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The Midsize Enterprise IT Competency Framework for High Performance


The sponsor of the organization was Gartner. The event was online and speaker were Tille Verhaeghe and Hakan Gunaydin. It was interesting for me to have a Turkish speaker in the meeting. Meeting hosted through Gartner\’s webinar platform and it was really engaging with couple of pools and statistics.

During the meeting I learned:

  • The term of business acumen and what it means is to demonstrate awareness of the broader internal and external business content.
    • Adaptability, political savviness, fusion collaboration, system thinking are the things lying under the business concepts.
    • With the pool, I saw most of the attendees thought business acumen is less important then other pillars. Unlike they, I always believe the requirement of the business acumen for the business at first place.
    • We also learned other terms that are the factors of digital outcomes for the companies such as prioritization, business result orientation, decision making, customer orientation, strategic thinking.
    • The speaker showed us a chart about how business acumen can be reached to workers. it turns out it can be learned best during the work experience. Companies can hold training and information sessions to gain this, but it is best when it comes with the experience. So, it is something that employees should build day to day work and apply it.
  • Task prioritization: with giving letters or rates, tasks should be leveled and scheduled based on the need and requirements at that point.
    • First place should always come with the crucial stuff that you cannot postpone or consequences that you have to face later if you don\’t complete the task.
    • Second item should be the things some people wouldn\’t agree if you don\’t complete the task. So some dependent work should be done at this step.
    • Later on, you can focus on the tasks that not necessarily important but nice to do or complete at the workplace.
    • Last stop always to eliminate unnecessary tasks, something is not important and no consequence.

Moving forward, I took the importance of the connection between employers to networks for experience and it is always something that we discuss in the class. How we gain experience during real world. I think know I\’ll be focused on business acumen more than ever and try everything to get an internship on my focus area to figure out the real work experience.

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