Sophomore – Accounting Major

Interests and Hobbies


I have always had interests in analytics and numbers. Math has always been something that i enjoyed, and one of the reasons why i decided to pursue a career in accounting. The best aspect of accounting in my eyes, is the obligation to report the truth of how a company operates. As an auditor you must perform at your best, and make sure that you can hold companies accountable for any kind of discrepancies. I also like traveling, whether it be national, international, or just a change of scenery. Accounting is something where I will be moving around a lot when it comes to jobs, and think it is something that I will find satisfying because I just enjoy being out and about.

Institute of Managerial Accountants:

IMA-T is a Student Professional Organization (SPO) that I joined the semester following my transfer of schools from the CST (College of Science and Technology) to the Fox School of Business. The SPO is one for accountants, but anyone can join, and it helps me with my networking by allowing companies to give presentations and try to sell us on their company. It allows me to interact with people, and make the necessary connections to potentially start something that will lead to a future.IMA Picture


I have always had an interest in sports, regardless of what type of sport it is. I find it very easy to enjoy doing pretty much anything active. I enjoy both participating and spectating in sports. I would say I love hockey the most, followed by baseball. I am an active member here at Temple of the the powerlifting club. I like the competition, and I would say its something I value because without competition, there is no drive to be the best. Everyone wants to be the best, so I think being open to competition, really helps add that fuel you need to get the drive. I also admire the teamwork aspect of sports because it really helps with the collaboration and critique from people other than yourself. Its hard to see things beyond how you see them, and having a team opens up the floor for diverse ideas and ways to be more creative.

Philadelphia Flyers


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