Ronghui Zhan commented on the post, Discussion Week 14, on the site 7 years, 2 months ago
what kind of wording is appropriate?
Ronghui Zhan commented on the post, Discussion Week 14, on the site 7 years, 2 months ago
Topic 2:
Those rules still apply today. But it just offers a general framework. Today’s internet is a lot more complicated. More comprehensive principle is needed. Based on it, details shall be described. -
Ronghui Zhan commented on the post, Discussion Week 14, on the site 7 years, 2 months ago
Topic 1:
How to interpreter law and regulation is subjective. It offers definition telling us what is right from wrong. In emergency case, time is life. what are we really worried about ? Is privacy a issue? It depends. -
Ronghui Zhan commented on the post, Discussion Week 14, on the site 7 years, 2 months ago
exception happens a lot
Ronghui Zhan commented on the post, Discussion Week 11, on the site 7 years, 2 months ago
I agreed with it. By doing this, we know who uses what. We have records. When bad things happen, we know what’s going on.
Ronghui Zhan commented on the post, Discussion Week 14, on the site 7 years, 2 months ago
Topic 3:
1, Assuming investigator background here: middle class with $100K/year, has two kids and full time house wife.
Assuming he won’t know there maybe other personnel working with VP in the company. Assuming VP may have enough resource to deal with investigator, he knows some powerful friends and investigator knows it. If he reports, VP…[Read more] -
Ronghui Zhan commented on the post, Research confirms the cybersecurity skills shortage is an existential threat, on the site 7 years, 2 months ago
Think about this, if you are bad guy, all you need to concentrate is well learn your target. How about organization. What they are dealing with is way more than security. My assumption is bad guy is always smarter than us. But they are human too. They got limit energy and time. By leveraging existing resource, like training their own people and…[Read more]
Ronghui Zhan commented on the post, China has launched another crackdown on the internet — but it's different this time, on the site 7 years, 2 months ago
what is freedom of speech? what is freedom of bear? Do you think someone doesnt need to be responsible for their words? There is no free launch. We all do know about it. If you were leader of China, what would you do in fact of 1 billion+ of population? There is no wrong or right (decision or law). Dont they want it’s the best for their citizen to…[Read more]
Ronghui Zhan commented on the post, Small Companies Often in the Dark About Cyberattacks, on the site 7 years, 2 months ago
For an extreme example, an usual startup company, what is priority for them? Growing up their business, they must put resource on their priority. Data presented above only make statistical sense. There are countless small business. What makes them think they will be attacked? For bad guys, how come do they find out those nameless company? Do you…[Read more]
Ronghui Zhan commented on the post, Banks cite cyber security and outsourcing as operational risk concerns grow, on the site 7 years, 2 months ago
comprehensive investigation before making a deal is needed. The organization needs to consider every possibles they come up with.
Ronghui Zhan commented on the post, Discussion Week 8, on the site 7 years, 2 months ago
This question is kind of unorganized. i mean pandemic belongs to what category. Typically, we make several big categories. Under those, there are several subcategories. If company is big enough, they will have dedicated people calculating how likely what threat could happen, they put more resource on them. For pandemic, it’s less likely happen…[Read more]
Ronghui Zhan commented on the post, Discussion Week 5, on the site 7 years, 2 months ago
It’s more about philosophy. It’s a lasting fight between open source and closed source. In my opinion, nothing is unbreakable. What it matters is how much time it takes to break it. So we expect it to be secure for certain amount of time. Under my assumption of everything is breakable, it doesnt matter if is open source or closed source. People…[Read more]
Ronghui Zhan commented on the post, Discussion Week 4, on the site 7 years, 2 months ago
It really depends on the whole enterprise’s mission. If it’s safety critical business, safety is priority, which is bigger than anything else. Well, for the sake of discussion, combination approach is preferred. Each one of them has weakness and strength. Depending on specific case, takes whatever appropriate
Ronghui Zhan commented on the post, Discussion Week 2, on the site 7 years, 2 months ago
The major difficulties with single sign-on service should be apparent.
Sites will be giving away their user data to a third-party provider. For some sites that will not be an important consideration, but some may have a problem with handing over their user data to another company.
By choosing the right identity provider, a company can ensure…[Read more]
Ronghui Zhan wrote a new post on the site ITACS 5211: Introduction to Ethical Hacking 7 years, 2 months ago
we rely on technology. Many of us cannot live without smart phone. if one day power off, do we have alternatives?
Ronghui Zhan commented on the post, Warning: Critical Tor Browser Vulnerability Leaks Users’ Real IP Address—Update Now, on the site 7 years, 2 months ago
Tor is a powerful tool. It offer the way to enter dark net.
Ronghui Zhan wrote a new post on the site ITACS 5211: Introduction to Ethical Hacking 7 years, 2 months ago
Amazon is really creative company. Now they are leading the trend of IOT, such as Amazon Echo. Embedding IOT device with AWS cloud is their new move.
Ronghui Zhan wrote a new post on the site ITACS 5211: Introduction to Ethical Hacking 7 years, 2 months ago
This is very interesting article.
if technology falls into wrong hand, bad things happen.
Ronghui Zhan commented on the post, Singapore wants ethical hackers to get a license, or else, on the site 7 years, 3 months ago
I wont take any license. If any country wants hacker to take license, maybe its time to show what animal means. it will push some people exposure themselves. If i am a citizen of Singapore and i have a very skillful hacker, i will burn the whole country up..
Ronghui Zhan wrote a new post on the site ITACS 5211: Introduction to Ethical Hacking 7 years, 4 months ago
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