Taher Jamnagarwala and
Chukwuebuka Chijioke Anabuike are now friends 9 years ago
Taher Jamnagarwala's profile was updated 9 years ago
Taher Jamnagarwala posted a new activity comment 9 years, 2 months ago
I personally learned a lot through this course, but the major takeaway for me was learning about a whole new spectrum of data science. Although each of us are surrounded by massive data on a daily basis without even knowing it, we have no idea where it originates from and who processes it, So this course acts as a catalyst to give you a better…[Read more]
Taher Jamnagarwala posted a new activity comment 9 years, 3 months ago
McGraw-Hill Connect:
Rows – Assignment list
Columns- # of Homework/ Quiz, Due Date, Status, Attempts Remaining -
Taher Jamnagarwala posted a new activity comment 9 years, 3 months ago
This article is a case study on the data collection methods adopted by the shipping giant UPS. It talks about how UPS implemented a prescriptive technique of data collection and analytics, and worked on improving future collection of data rather than fixing old data. This…[Read more] -
Taher Jamnagarwala posted a new activity comment 9 years, 4 months ago
A KPI that all of us use on a regular basis would be the battery percentage displayed on our cell phones. It is Specific and Measurable – the battery Percentage is a precise measure. It is achievable – I can alter the usage of apps on my phone to improve the battery life. It is Relevant – because it can help me infer the percentage ‘cost’ of…[Read more]
Taher Jamnagarwala posted a new activity comment 9 years, 4 months ago
Although I do not work with excel on a regular basis and thus have not even encountered many of these mistakes, “Number 6: Miss the data type”, seems to be the easiest mistake to make.
I say this because, with the large and voluminous data sets we deal with these days, its almost inevitable that there is some form of discrepancy whether in the…[Read more] -
Taher Jamnagarwala posted a new activity comment 9 years, 4 months ago
This article is basically a collection of different info-graphics depicting Interesting Data Showing The Worldwide Social Media Trends. I found this article interesting because, as a person living in a world with increasing digitization of nearly…[Read more] -
Taher Jamnagarwala posted a new activity comment 9 years, 5 months ago
Out of the eight principles listed in the article, I think that simplifying is the most important. As the word suggests, keeping things/data simple is the most beneficial form of presentation because it makes voluminous data easy to comprehend and reduces ambiguity through a straightforward display. Simple data can also reach out to a larger…[Read more]
Taher Jamnagarwala posted a new activity comment 9 years, 5 months ago
In my opinion, Michael Dagar’s talk was truly eye-opening because it showed me a whole different take on how to run a business and emphasized the increasing importance of big data and its analysis in today’s modern world. He also went on to display a prototype software he is attempting to design for Temple, which aims to have all the necessary…[Read more]
Taher Jamnagarwala posted a new activity comment 9 years, 5 months ago
This article talks about how big data has changed the business landscape. I found this article interesting because it talks about how big data is being primarily used by big corporations since small businesses cannot afford to analyze that kind of complex and large data within their traditional IT…[Read more] -
Taher Jamnagarwala posted a new activity comment 9 years, 5 months ago
An example of conventional wisdom I have come across is that people with high GPA’s in college earn more than those with lower GPA’s. Although this could be tested in numerous ways, the simpler method would be to evaluate the top income earners in the world and compare their GPA’s in relation to their income. Using this data we could infer the i…[Read more]