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AIS Mentorship Program

Spring 2020

Throughout this past semester, I participated in the AIS mentorship program for the second time, and conveniently enough, I had the same mentor as last semester! This was nice because it allowed me the chance to get to know my mentor, Andrew, even better. Coming into the mentorship program already having worked with Andrew in the past and now knowing more about the MIS department after having one semester already under my belt, I had a great experience once again. Andrew and I met on multiple occasions to discuss my ongoing MIS courses and provided me with some great advice to make the most out of them. Among other things, we also worked on building a PRO point plan, which I found very useful as I’m now ahead in points! Additionally, we revised my resume, which I know will help when employers are viewing it, plus we went over the classes I am planning to take for the following semester. All in all, I had another great experience working with Andrew again this semester and learned a lot along the way. As a rising Junior, I plan to take part in the mentorship program again next semester, however this time as a mentor.


Fall 2019

During this Fall 2019 semester, I took part in Temple University’s Association for Information Systems’s (AIS) mentorship program. Throughout this program, I learned a lot about the MIS curriculum, AIS as a Student Professional Organization and how it operates, in addition to getting to know my mentor, Andrew Smuszkiewicz, the Director of Professional Development for AIS. Joining the mentorship program this semester has accelerated my knowledge of the requirements for MIS majors including the aspect of PRO points, which I also received from completing this program. Being this as my first semester at Temple’s Fox School of Business due to switching my major from CST’s IS&T, I had a lot to learn about Fox yet this mentorship program filled in the gaps. Among the meetings I had with my mentor, we also discussed other matters that would ultimately set me up for success later such as a PRO point plan for the coming semesters in addition to reviewing the classes I had planned to take for next semester. Ultimately, I very much enjoyed being apart of the mentorship program considering how much I learned and plan to take part next in it again next semester.

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