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Infrastructure Analyst

2023 Summer Internship

Job Title: Infrastructure Analyst

Company: Becton Dickinson (BD) (F200) Franklin Lakes, NJ

Job Term: May 30, 2023 – Aug 11, 2023 (11-week internship)

Job Description:

Company Info: BD is one of the largest medical technology companies in the world. They are Advancing the World of Health™ by improving medical discovery, diagnostics, and the delivery of care. In addition, they help customers enhance outcomes, lower costs, increase efficiencies, improve safety and access to health care.


Job Function & Projects: My role as an infrastructure analyst included the maintenance and management of many workplace technologies and systems that are in place at BD. The technologies my team works with are centered around workplace productivity, collaboration, communication, and engagement.


My main project included the configuration and roll-out of pilot activities of a data classification feature using Microsoft’s built-in capabilities which was part of a greater initiative called Data Loss Prevention (DLP). While there are many “behind the scenes” DLP measures in place, this was one of the first subsequent steps and would affect all BD employees once rolled out. The goal was to protect data by classifying all individual files and emails through sensitivity labeling.

This involved the researching and studying of features centered around classifying data. Using Microsoft’s built-in capabilities was the most efficient and cost effective. I studied everything that Microsoft had to offer on data classification through their online documentation. I configured the settings in Microsoft Compliance Portal according to BD’s DLP policies developed by a cross functional team (Info Security). Next, I tested the capabilities making sure everything worked as expected, but I could not test every specific use case on my own. So, I rolled out pilot activities where I led 5 main presentations training 800+ users. Throughout the pilot, I coordinated all in-going and out-going communications through various Microsoft Teams’ channels. I addressed all issues and concerns and followed up for feedback managing 5 live feedback sessions and Microsoft Forms. I also recorded training materials to be used for production. I left the team in the documenting/update stage, and the project is on-track for our production dates.


My Takeaways: Throughout this internship, I re-enforced and improved my effective communication skills as I worked with cross functional teams and met with many people in the feedback portion of my main project. I felt very comfortable presenting my work to hundreds of people at a time which is a big confidence booster (I think I like presenting and public speaking now; this is something I used to dread!). This also granted me tons of exposure and opened opportunities for many 1:1 meeting with people across the company. Although my role was not code heavy or super technical as I had expected, I’m glad I learned about using the Microsoft Compliance Portal which many companies use for data protection. My team allowed me to take full responsibility on this project and were very helpful and supportive every step of the way.

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