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Temple University Diamond Peer Teacher

The Spring 2013 semester afforded me the awesome opportunity of serving as a Diamond Peer Teacher in the Fox School of Business. I was extremely excited and honored to be selected for this position because it is the most prestigious peer teaching job at Temple. The Diamond Peer Teacher position is so sought after, that students are only permitted to serve as a Diamond Peer Teacher once during their time at Temple.

My duties as a Diamond Peer Teacher went above and beyond a normal Teacher’s Assistant (TA) position. In addition to attending class and helping the professor manage the class, I held three office hours per week. These office hours provided students with the chance to get help in a one-on-one setting. I also hosted my own study sessions every week. The study sessions were a hybrid between office hours and regular class time. They typically attracted 6-12 students per week, and allowed students to ask questions in a smaller setting. I came prepared with material to review, but I always answered the students’ questions before I proceeded with my own material.

I am fortunate to have spent time as a Diamond Peer Teacher because it increased my time-management ability. I often committed about 15 hours a week to this position. This time commitment, coupled with a rigorous course load, forced me to use my time wisely.

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