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List of Courses

Risk Management and Insurance Courses:

  • RMI 3501: Life and Health Insurance and Employee Benefits
  • RMI 3502: Property and Liability Coverages
  • RMI 3504: Property and Liability Functions

Business Foundation Courses:

  • ECON 1901: Honors Macroeconomics Principles
  • ECON 1902: Honors Microeconomic Principles
  • HRM 1901: Honors Human Resource Management
  • LGLS 1901: Honors Business Law
  • STAT 1902: Honors Business Calculus
  • STAT 2903: Honors Business Statistics
  • ACCT 2901: Honors Financial Accounting
  • ACCT 2102: Managerial Accounting
  • MIS 2901: Honors Management Information Systems
  • MKTG 2901: Honors Marketing Management
  • BA 2996: Honors Business Communications
  • RMI 2901: Honors Introduction to Risk Management and Insurance
  • FIN 3901: Honors Financial Management
  • MSOM 3101: Management Science and Operations Management

Gen Ed Courses:

  • ENG 0902: Honors Analytical Reading and Writing
  • IH 0951: Honors Mosaics I
  • IH 0952: Honors Mosaics II
  • SOC 0829: The History and Significance of Race in America
  • REL 0863: Religion in the World
  • PHYS 0872: The Science of Sound
  • CIS 0835: Cyberspace and Society

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