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Interests and Hobbies

Being a male growing up in rural suburbs, during the summer months I am always interested in any sort of outdoor activity. In the summer I enjoy fishing in the Delaware River and Delaware Canal, riding my bikes either on the road or trail. I also enjoy playing flag football, wiffleball, paintball, and surfing. I play in several Wiffleball leagues and tournaments throughout the year, and compete at the professional level against some of the best wiffler’s in the country. It is usually somewhat of a surprise to many, but yes there is such a thing as  professional wiffleball players.

In the winter when not at school or work, you can find me on the mountain skiing and snowboarding. Every year I lease a cabin in Vermont for a week and enjoy the plentiful Catskill mountains snowy regions. I also travel to Colorado to backpack, camp, and snowboard the Rocky Mountains.

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