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  • Business Intelligence (BI)
  • Data analytics
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Operational Data Analytics Intern

As a Data Analyst Intern, my overall role was to utilize spreadsheets, databases, and other computer applications to develop and provide recommendations about specific department/company needs. Most of this worked involved using SQL, Pivot Tables, and Power BI dashboards to analyze and present company data to my supervisor and various people throughout the company.

One project I had was to analyze a specific database that housed data on the movement of products within our warehouse. My company had a major issue with products being lost, so I had had to interpret the data to find out as much as possible about why, where, how, etc. so much loss is occurring, and make a presentation for several managers. I also created a dashboard in Microsoft Power BI for the managers to have simpler way of tracking how products are going missing. I worked on various projects similar to this one, where I analyzed company databases to find trends and make recommendations to certain departments.

During this internship experience I further developed my analysis skills that were taught in MIS 2502 (Data Analytics) like SQL and Data Visualization by utilizing extremely large databases to analyze with SQL and create dashboards in Power BI. I learned more about project management that I developed in MIS 3535 (Lead Global Digital Projects) by listening in on specific project meetings and aiding in the process within my department.

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