MIS 0855 – Prof. Min-Seok Pang

Day 1 – online discussion questions

  • What does it mean by “fighting a crime is all about information?” What does it mean by “connecting the dots”?
  • Without enough information, would police detectives depend on what to find a suspect? Why is that a problem?
  • Why do we need data in finding a job or buying a house?
  • What is “information overload”?

What do you think? Share your thoughts that you couldn’t share in-class today.

16 Responses to Day 1 – online discussion questions

  • Information overload is when there’s too much information. while only a little can be used for a purpose. Fighting crime involves choosing the right information from the entire database that keeps on growing.

  • All aspects of a crime are made up of information, as in what the perpetrator looked like, how they acted, or any distinguishing marks on them. With this information police officers can “connect the dots” so they can find the perpetrator. Without information the police would have no where to even start looking.

  • Without enough information needed to find a suspect, the police detectives would have to result in using witnesses opinions as well as their own which isn’t as accurate as having a crime database.

  • “Connecting the dots” means putting all the information together in order to find the suspect. We need data in finding a house or a job because it makes the process easier, less risky, and more efficient.

  • When a crime occurs, police need to gather as much information surrounding the crime, such as descriptions of the suspects and the crime committed. Policemen and detectives can connect the dots be relating information to one another in one case or find similarities among several different cases. Without enough information, it may take longer for the perpetrator to be arrested, a person could be wrongly accused, or the perpetrator may get away. However, the opposite, information overload, is not always useful. Information overload occurs when there is too much information. This makes is difficult to sort and find the useful ones and connect the dots.

  • Fighting a crime is all about information as it is necessary to know the details about the person committing the crime. Without detailed information, the police inspectors would have to rely on past files or words spoken by other human beings. This can be problematic since humans are prone to making mistakes. Also, this process is usually very time consuming. We need data in finding a job or a house because it is extremely reliable and helps us get our desired job/house in the least amount of time. Information overload is when there is too much information available and most of it is irrelevant. That is why data analysis is becoming extremely important these days.

  • Solving any kind of problem has to do with information, whether it’s buying a house, looking for a job, or even solving a crime. Using the information gathered, one can put the pieces together in order to find the kind of house they’re looking for or solve the crime. Without enough information, it can be quite difficult to find the perpetrator thus leaving them around to strike again.

  • In order to solve a crime, the right information is needed in order to put all the facts surrounding the crime together. Connecting the dots refers to using several pieces of information in order to achieve a result. Information overload results from having too much information. Because of the overload of information, it becomes harder to find the information that is important to the case. As a result, it becomes more time-consuming to sort through all of the information presented.

  • To solve a crime, information is needed to find the most possible target in order to decrease the time that detectors spend. “Connect the dots” means select the most useful information then put them together to get the whole picture. Without information, the police will depend on their memory, paper record and experience to find the person they want. However, the experience is objective and less reliable. When we seeking a job, we need data about payment, requirement and location to help us make sure that the position is what we want.
    Information overload means that information we can get is much more than we need which lead to a waste of time when we search information,.

  • In order to find a house one must figure out their budget. After finding out their budget they have to see what house fall into the range of what they can afford. Information is key in order to establish the price of a home. When realtors find out at what price house in the same area are selling for they can make a see whether or not the house of interest is being sold either above of below market value. Without any information of the market there is no reason behind justifying a price.

  • Information is a key element to fighting crime because different types of information is needed to solve a crime, The phrase “connecting the dots” in that context means to find the relationships between all of the data gathered in order to solve a crime. Without enough information, police officers would have to rely on prior experience and instincts to solve crimes. This would be a problem because instincts and prior experiences are subjective while data is objective, which would make solving crimes more personal. People need data when they are making decisions because data helps people to make a more informed decision. Lastly, information overload occurs when there is too much information to analyze causing someone or something to shut down.

  • “Connecting the dots” means taking all of the information you have about a crime and figuring out how they piece together. This process allows for more efficient and accurate solving of crimes. When detectives do not have enough information about a given crime, they must rely on their instinct and judgment. This is a problem because these are based on opinions and feelings rather than facts.

  • Information overload refers to the fact that their is too much information, but only a little bit of that information can actually be used. When finding a job or buying a house, data is needed to make sure that you are getting enough information so that you can make an educated decision as to what the best option would be for you. Connecting the dots is when you take all of the information that has been gathered, and you piece it all together in order to come up with the big picture and solve the crime. Without enough information, police would depend on the opinions of witnesses in order to solve a crime, and a witness may not always be the most reliable source. Witnesses as well as evidence without other information may tell a different story.

  • Crime is not able to be fought without a collection of information to understand statistical information such as crime rates by neighborhood, district, types of crimes being committed, and the people involved. This information helps officials make decisions to bring safety to the public and order to areas that are under a lot of crime pressure. Additionally, collected information helps these officials connect the dots between different persons, through location information, communication information, and personal background information. Crimes are able to be solved quicker and more efficiently with access to useful information. Without the collection of this information, police detectives would have to rely solely on personal statements and interviews which may provide skewed information. Although this is true, after some time there are cases of information overload in which too much data collects and it is difficult to find a pattern or connect the dots.

  • Fighting crime is all about information means that with understanding historical data, police can be proactive in preventing crimes or being on the scene more efficiently. Connecting the dots would mean that by observing various amounts of data, analyzers can make judgements and predictions on certain areas such as Hot Spots. Without enough information, police would depend on witnesses and physical eveidence and that would be very inefficient and time consuming. We need data i finding a home because without it we would make un-infomed decisions which could lead to forclosed homes and bad loans.

  • •Connecting the dots means putting all the information together in order to find the suspect. We need data to find a car or a restaurant because it makes the process easier

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