MIS 0855 – Prof. Min-Seok Pang

Day 2 (Jan 14) – Data, Information, and Knowledge – online discussion questions

  • What are the examples in data, information, and knowledge, other than what we discussed in-class (student grades, stock prices, and crimes)?
  • What kind of data did you find around Alter and Speakman Hall today and what kind of information can we drive from it?

15 Responses to Day 2 (Jan 14) – Data, Information, and Knowledge – online discussion questions

  • There are many examples of data, information, and knowledge in our daily lives. We can use data from gas prices at gas stations all across the city to gather the information to see where the cheapest gas is sold. With the data and knowledge, we can have the knowledge to see where the best place to buy gas in the city by which is the cheapest. We found data in alter hall about the list of students who received internships or full time jobs at certain companies. The information we can gather from this is what companies tend to hire Temple students the most.

  • Another example of data would be the information a business collects on their customers. Businesses can monitor the number of average customers per day. From this data, owners and employees can discover that during certain times of the year, usually holidays, the number of customers spike. With this information, business people have knowledge about these spikes and can increase their prices to receive a higher revenue.

  • An example of data would be taking a survey on where people chose to vacation. We can then gather information on what areas are most common for people to vacation. This could be something maybe such as the beach or a ski resort. We can gain knowledge on what best attracts people who are looking for a vacation. Then someone maybe looking to start a resort would take that knowledge and know best where to locate the business. Around Alter and Speakman Hall we found posted throughout the buildings are televisions that state the weather and temperature. We can draw information that today it is cold and also tomorrow it will be a similar temperature.

  • As a good example of data, information and knowledge, I think that the SEPTA transportation fare is a data. The SEPTA has several means of transportation so that people have different options to get to a specific destination. Therefore, if we suppose that we go to the City Hall, people might compare each means of transportation run by the SEPTA with the others to get an information, “which means of transportation is cheaper and faster to get to the City Hall.”

    I found the stock exchange index display on the first floor of the Alter Hall as a good example of data and we can drive an information that it was set for the students who study at the Fox Business School to make them feel more comfortable on the business friendly environment and catch up the real time stock information related to their majors.

  • An example of data would be the monthly statement of a bank account. From the statement issued by the bank , customers can know their financial activities during the month. If the bank also computes the mean, maximum and minimum of the amount that the customer spend monthly. These means, maximums and minimums are information. If the customers forecast the money he will spend next month, the amount of money he forecasts is knowledge.
    I found a board of stock price at the first floor of the Alter Hall. On the board, we can monitor up-to-dated changes of stock price. From these data, we can compare the stock price of different companies and then know whether the company performs well.

  • An example of data could be the current gas prices. With these prices, a customer can use the data to derive that the price of oil has increased since last year, which is the information. The knowledge someone can gain from this is how much gas will be in the next year, judging by past prices. The data that we found in Fox was all of the company’s logos that are affiliated with the business school. From this, we gain the knowledge that Fox is a very diverse school which has plenty of connections.

  • An example of data taking place in every day life could be the scores from our favorite sports athletic teams. Each game-score would be a piece of individual data, and put together would give us the information regarding how well our favorite sports team has done this season so far. All of this info together could give us the knowledge of how the entire league stands, or how our particular team will do in the playoffs, or if they will even make it to the playoffs.

  • An example of data would be if the dining hall collected the type of ice cream each student who ate there liked best. This raw data would supply us with the information regarding which flavors of ice cream are most liked by the students who ate in the dining hall. With this information, the dining hall would have the knowledge of the quantities of each flavor of ice cream to purchase so that there would be an appropriate amount of each flavor for the students.

  • A great example of data in daily life could be sports statistics. Players accumulate different statistics in the sport of basketball every game. These statistics are recorded in the form of data. After organizing it in charts or graphs in order compare it with other players, this data could be seen as information. This informations is used as factors that sway opinions towards the knowledge of selecting an mvp.

  • An example of data that we see and encounter everyday are the nutrition facts on food and drink labels. These contain the percentages and amount of specific ingredients that are in the food or drink. From this data one can see the health benefits or the lack there of. One can also use this data and compare it to the nutrition facts of other foods and/or drinks to make a healthy choice or to avoid certain ingredients if one is allergic.

  • An example of data is whether Temple students own macs, a pc, or neither. This data can be organized into charts and gives us information about how many students own each type or neither. This information can give us knowledge about whether Temple students prefer to use a mac or pc. In Alter Hall, my group found many flags above the first floor lobby. This data gives us information about the diversity of the school and specifically Fox.

  • An example of data would be a set of raw numbers given from a survey on favorite ice cream flavors of students in Temple University with no context or meaning to the numbers. To turn this data into information one must add context and meaning to the raw numbers in order to know the reason for numbers being displayed as data. Afterwards, one processes the context and meaning of the numbers to generate an average of the numbers we could used as information.The knowledge comes from knowing the averages and the popular ice cream flavors of choice to Temple University students. In Alter and Speakman Hall, my group and I found data on the Ticker, which gave us information regarding the stock price of different companies to see if the are performing well this year.

  • An example of data would be raw numbers of voters who went out for an election with no description of political party. To turn this data to information, we can determine whether the voter is Republican, Democrat, or neither. Then the knowledge comes from being able to know where the voters come from and what party they belong to. My group and I found the stock exchange index display in the Egg of Alter Hall as a good example of data and we can assume that it was set for the students who study at the Fox Business School to make them feel more comfortable with dissecting information on the stock market in real time while being in a business friendly environment.

  • An example of data is a collection of numerical data collected from Philadelphia residents about their favorite food. This data turns into information when we pair this with background context examining the individuals cutlture, upbringing, place of residency, and origin of birth. This information then turns into knowledge when restaurant owners are able to use this information to make educated decision about where to open their restaurants based on what type of food they prepare.

    In Alter Hall, we counted how many people bought coffee at Jazzman’s and how many people bough tea within a half hour period. This data can be used to collect information on how what time of the day coffee is more popular than tea and how many of these people are preparing for exams and who is not.

  • One good example of data could be current Gas prices. Customer can use to data to compare prices from couple years ago to current time. Furthermore, they can see what the price of oil is now from couple days, weeks, months or years ago. The Data we found is Fox was Different laws class affiliated with business and law school

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