MIS 0855 – Prof. Min-Seok Pang

Online discussion questions – Day 3 (Jan 16) – Data and Science

  • What hypotheses did you come up with in your group exercise? What are the theories or rationales behind them?
  • “Beautiful women can be bad for men’s health.” (link) – what would be the theories behind it (other than the one in the news)?

13 Responses to Online discussion questions – Day 3 (Jan 16) – Data and Science

  • From the article, scientists state that the stress level of men rise when along with a woman. Along with this research, women could also negatively affect men’s health when a man is unable to focus on anything else but the woman. By only thinking about an attractive woman, a man would be unable to concentrate clearly on other daily activities, such as work, eating, or exercising. When a man is cannot focus on other activities, his health would decrease because he is not paying attention to the amount of food he eats or the length of time he works out.

  • -In our group exercise, our hypothesis was: Students who eat breakfast before an 8:00am class will have more energy than students who don’t eat anything. The rationales behind this hypothesis is that if you eat before a morning class you will have more energy that will enable you to pay more attention to what is going on, to focus on subject matter, and to participate more in class. The more energy you have, the less groggy and miserable you will be in class. The more you are able to focus on the class the better you will do in the class.

    -“Beautiful women are bad for men’s health”
    Another theory behind this idea would be that the woman is the main focus which can distract the man from things he has to do. So if this idea is applied to students, a man can be so distracted he may not be able to study as much which could result in receiving lower grades which can also cause stress and affect his health. Also if he focuses too much on the attractive woman he may not be able to sleep, which can also negatively affect his health if he continues to not get sleep.

  • In the group assignment, our group came up with the hypothesis that students who sit in the front of the class in a big lecture class will get better grades. This hypothesis is testable by taking note of the people who sit in the front of the class and by checking their final grade. Our logic behind this is that students who are in the front are more involved in class discussion, are less distracted during class, they can hear and understand the professor better, and have the best view of the notes.

    In, “Beautiful Women can be bad for Men’s Health,” scientist found out that men’s stress levels rise when they are next to an attractive woman. Besides the scientists theory that presence of a woman induces the the perception of courtship, I argue that the presence of an attractive woman raises a man’s stress level because men feel the pressure to impress the woman. Men are pressured to try to look and perform their best in front of an attractive woman.

  • With my group, we came up with the hypothesis that students are often more late to their 8 am classes than to their other classes, and the theory behind this is that students have a hard time waking up early in the morning probably because they studied until late in the night or they just stayed up late for other reasons. The theory behind the fact that “Beautiful women can be bad for men’s health” is that men have to go beyond their limits to impress the attractive women, for example they may have to work more in order to earn more money and provide for these beautiful women (they become workaholic which can be very bad for health) or they may have to work out more and use steroids or something else in order to have more muscles and look more attractive (steroids are bad for health).

  • The article states that cortisol levels increase when men are in presence of an attractive woman. The scientists conducting the study believe that being in the presence “may induce the perception that there is an opportunity for courtship”. Socializing with an attractive female also increases oxytocin levels as well as serotonin and dopamine. If a male sees a potential partner he becomes happier as well as more alerted to achieve this goal. Other theories behind can be that males become more confident after they socialize some time with a female, and that experience will be reinforced in future occurrences.

  • The levels of stress increase when men are in the presence of a beautiful woman.The conclusion to this article is that men believe that there is an opportunity of courtship when surrounded. However, another theory could be that men feel pressure (increased cortisol levels) to get the woman’s approval. Men may feel insecure and afraid of rejection when in the presence of a beautiful woman. Also if rejected, depending on the man, can fall into an emotional depression of not feeling worthy enough, which can lead to other health hazards.

  • My group came up with the hypothesis that Fox graduates have a greater starting salary than graduates of any other school within Temple. The rationale behind this is that Fox students have CSPD to get them involved and networking sooner than those in other schools. A theory behind beautiful women causing bad health in men is that men will think about the beautiful women too much. This can distract them and keep them up at night. If the men are getting too nervous, it may affect their appetite also.

  • I came up with the hypothesis, “If someone went to the sac to eat around 12-1 pm then they would experience long lines. If someone were to go at this time more people will come than other times of the day because this is lunch time. If more people come than lines will accumulate.
    Beautiful women can be bad for mens health because men naturally want to impress women. Being around bad women for too long can cause someone to increase their stress because they are constantly trying to impress someone. if stress builds up than it is not good for their heath.

  • My group came up with the hypothesis that: “Students perform better in classes scheduled between 9 a.m.-1 p.m.” The reason we believed this to be true is because students have a difficult time functioning early in the morning. Therefore, as the day progresses a student becomes more cognitive helping the student to perform better in that class. Secondly, the theory behind the “Beautiful Women” hypothesis is that men’s stress levels increase due to their desire to impress a beautiful women. High stress levels are hazardous to a man’s health and there are other consequences that can occur when putting too much emphasis on impressing a beautiful woman that could be detrimental to a man’s health.

  • The hypothesis I came up with was that lines are generally longer at the Student Center around 12 and 1 PM than many other times during the day. This is because 12 and 1 are some of the most popular times to eat lunch, as well as classes end at 1150 and 1250, so students stop at the Student Center on their way back from class. The theory behind the “Beautiful Women” hypothesis is that a woman can negatively affect a man’s health because he does not focus on anything else but the woman. This would cause the man to pay less attention to more important things that would surround his health, like what he eats.

  • One of the hypotheses that I came up with was that sales at the campus food trucks goes up on Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays at 12 pm. The theory behind this is that due to the business free period for FOX students on those days at 12 pm, many FOX students boost food trucks sales as 12 because it is the average lunch time and everyone has a free hour to grab a bite to eat.

    Additional theories for why beautiful women can be bad for men’s health is that men may lose focus and drive in what they are striving towards simply to impress the woman in front of them.

  • Our group hypotheses is student who prefer to sit the the front of classroom can get a better grades. The rationales behind it is that the students who sit there will more focus on the lectures and have more chances to interact with the professors.
    The theory behind the research is that man is easier attracted by beautiful women and they cannot focus on the things they are doing once they be attracted.

  • Our group came up with the hypotheses is that students who get 7 hours or more sleep a night focus better throughout the day and students who sleep less than 7 hours. Kids who sleep more than 7 hours have a long attention span thru the day.

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