MIS 0855 – Prof. Min-Seok Pang

Online discussion questions – Day 22 (Mar 11) – Key Performance Indicators

  • What would be the key performance indicators of a high school?
  • Is there any way for the high school to manipulate KPIs?
  • What would be the key performance indicators of an airline company?
  • Is there any way for the airline company to manipulate KPIs?
  • What would be the key performance indicators of a government?
  • Is there any way for the government to manipulate KPIs?

17 Responses to Online discussion questions – Day 22 (Mar 11) – Key Performance Indicators

  • Some KPI of a high school would be…
    – % of students that had an attendance of 90% or above for the year
    – % of students taking more difficult classes (honor classes, AP classes) during the year
    – % of students with a clean record during the year

  • KPI of an airline company:
    1) Percentage of people who buy tickets from the airline in a year
    2) Number of fatalities in a year
    3) Number of flights per year
    4) Amount of revenue received per year
    5) Amount on incidences with lost baggage per year

  • KPI of high school:
    1 Average GPA per grade in a year
    2 Graduation rate in per year
    3 Average ACT and SAT score per year
    4 Drop out rate per year
    The high School can manipulate the graduation rate by simply allowing ever senior to graduate no matter their grades
    KPI of an airline company:
    1 Amount of lawsuits against the company per year
    2 Amount of passengers per year
    3 Amount of airline crash of the company’s plane
    The airline company can manipulate the amount of passengers per year by setting extremely low prices in order to attract as much passengers as they can.\
    KPI of the government:
    1 Unemployment rate
    2 GDP
    3 Inflation rate
    There is no really anyway for the government to manipulate the KPIs

  • 1. What would be the key performance indicators of a government?
    – annual or quarterly economic growth rate (the index of GNP, GDP and the trade surplus, etc)
    – Monthly public approval rate
    – the amount of annual budget placement for the public sector
    – the annual unemployment rate
    – the annual crime rate

    2. Is there any way for the government to manipulate KPIs?
    – Generally, the government does place the national budget for the public sectors by annual plans. One probable negative manipulation by the government might exaggerate the economic growth in the news. We often hear lots of economic growth by proportion with charts and bar graphs rather than the exact index number.

  • KPIs for Government

    – approval rate
    – national spending
    – number of homeless
    – health care availability

  • Some KPIs for a high school would be:
    1) Average GPA -the school can manipulate this by having a curve in their classes
    2) % of kids on honor roll -the school can manipulate this by lowering the qualifying GPA to make the honor roll
    3) % of kids involved in extra-curricular activities
    4) Average ACT and SAT scores
    5) Average scores on AP exams

  • KPI’s of a high school would be:
    – % of students that graduate
    – % of students who have an average or above average GPA
    -Number of students who pass state standardized testing
    -Number of classes dropped/added
    -Number of students who have failed out of a class
    -Number of student athletes
    -Number of extracurricular activities and how many students are involved

    A high school could manipulate these KPI’s by focusing on improving test score in standardized testing, encouraging students to be involved and making sure they have the proper teachers and resources to learn and perform well via GPA.

  • Some of the KPI’s for the government would include
    -% of GDP spent
    -Unemployment Rate
    -% of population that approves of government actions
    -Economic Growth Rate

  • Key Performance Indicators of a high school could be:
    – percent of students with 90% attendance or higher
    – percent of students with an 85 or higher GPA
    – percent of students enrolled in AP or Honors courses
    – percent of students taking SATs or ACTs in a given year
    – percent of students graduating on time
    – percent of students planning on attending college after graduation

    A high school could manipulate these KPI’s by providing incentives to be in class or having an 85 or higher GPA. They could also provide free SAT and ACT prep courses to encourage students to take these standardized tests. Additionally, encouraging students to attend college after graduating.

  • There are a few key performance indicators of an airline company including:
    -number of lost baggage incidents
    -number of reported incidents
    -percentage of flights delayed for greater than 15 minutes
    -amount of passengers each year

    The airline could not include the number of lost bags that are actually returned each year. Also, the airline could decide to only report incidents that they are taken to court for and exclude incidents that are settled through arbitration. Lastly, the airline may alter last minute tickets to be cheaper in order to sell them.

  • What would be the key performance indicators of a high school?
    Is there any way for the high school to manipulate KPIs?

    Key Performance indicators of a high school
    -Test grades
    -Behavioral incidents
    -Percentage of students accepted to 4 year universities

    The government does not really have a say about high school performance indicators.

  • The key performance indicators of a high school would include:

    – Attendance
    – Test Grades
    – GPA
    – Standardized Tests Scores
    – Graduation rate

    A high school could manipulate key performance indicators by trying to improve any of these key performance indicators. They could give more of an incentive to attend class in order for students to be able to do well on tests. In addition, teachers could improve their teaching so students can do improve their standardized tests scores as well as graduate high school.

  • Key Performance Indicators of a High School:
    – Standardized Test Scores
    – GPA throughout each grade
    – Rate of Graduation
    – Pass/Fail Ratio for each grade

    These indicators would be very hard to manipulate because many times the high school does not have anything to do with the scoring of standardized tests. However, the school could manipulate the other KPIs.

  • Kpis for schools

    -Graduation Rate
    -Collage Enrollment Rate
    -Sat Scores

  • What would be the key performance indicators of a high school
    Graduation rate
    Average GPA
    Investment on facalities
    Is there any way for the high school to manipulate KPIs?
    The high school can improve their average GPA and graduation rate by provideing easy-A classes
    What would be the key performance indicators of an airline company
    The amount of lost baggages
    The % of delay
    Is there any way for the airline company to manipulate KPIs
    The airplane company can improve the percentage of delay by canceling airline which fly to busy airports.
    What would be the key performance indicators of a government1
    The crime rate
    Unemployment rate
    is there any way for the government to manipulate KPIs?
    It is hard for government to manipulate those KPIs, because those public information is available to everyone.

  • KPI for high school:
    Grauation Rate
    College acceptance rates
    Standardized test scores
    Highschools can choose to only publish students who are involved in honor courses. They can distort data visually to beenfit them.

    KPI airline company
    Cancelled Flights
    Delayed flights

    They can choose to show what cancellation rates are but only for certain regions.

    KPI government:
    Social benefits

    The government can distort cost of living prices by not including inflation.

  • • KPI of an airline company:
    Number of flights per year
    • Percentage of people who buy tickets from the airline in a year
    Amount on incidences with lost baggage per year
    Amount of revenue received per year
    • Number of fatalities in a year

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