MIS 0855 – Prof. Min-Seok Pang

Online discussion questions – Day 29 (Mar 27) – Integrating Data

  • If you’d like to apply for a job, which data sources will you need to get necessary data for your decision making?
  • If you’d like to choose a master’s program at a graduate school, which data sources will you need to get necessary data for your decision making?
  • If you’d like to find a vacation spot, which data sources will you need to get necessary data for your decision making?

16 Responses to Online discussion questions – Day 29 (Mar 27) – Integrating Data

  • Data sources you will need to get necessary data for decision making:

    If you were applying for a job; salary information, job description, transportation information, housing information of the area, company booklet

    If you were choosing a master’s program at a graduate school; tuition and scholarship information, school ranking, location

    If you’d like to find a vacation spot; restaurant and food information, hotel and resort information, airline tickets information, information on landmarks and attractions

  • When looking to find a vacation spot sites like tripadvisor.com, airline flight sites, and yelp.com offer the best amount of information to pick the ideal spot.
    First, the price of airline tickets make a difference, the amount of tourist attractions in the city, price of hotels and car rental make a large difference in budget, and lastly if the area offers places of interest.

  • Job – start date, salary, description of the job, qualifications
    Master’s Program – tuition, location of school, ranking of the school, minimum requirements (GPA, grades, etc)
    Vacation Spot – price/location of hotels, location of airport arrival, airline tickets, points of interest at destination

  • While looking for a vacation spot, first you would need to look at airline prices and the ratings for each airline. Then you would do the same, look at the price and rating, for hotels, restaurants, and other locations you would like to visit while on vacation. Also, looking at the weather during your time of stay would be useful.

  • For a job you need to know qualifications, salary, benefits, vacation/absence policies, job description, and full or part time status.
    To choose a master’s program you need to know acceptance rate, graduation rate, retention rate, tuition, location, and job placement after graduation.
    To find a vacation spot you need to know travel options and expenses, locations of hotels, attractions, ways to get around the location(rent a car, walk, or public transportation?), climate of the area and places to dine or buy food.

  • When applying for a job, one will need to know the minimum qualifications for the applicant, location of the job, position, duties, salary, benefits, and the number of hours expected to work. When applying for a master’s program, one will need to know the tuition of the institution, financial aid options available to them, whether the institution is public or private, ranking of the school, GPA needed for admission, cost for the application, and the average acceptance rate. When planning a vacation, one will need to know the prime locations at the time, best hotels to stay in and their rates, how much air line tickets will be, what you can bring on the plane, crime rate of the areas, attractions at the locations, and places to avoided while at the location.

  • When applying for a job, the applicant has to get necessary data to make a good decision. Data sources like salary, position, health benefits, job description, and required qualifications are only a start. The applicant must also look at the company’s history, owner’s biography, and find out the culture inside the business entity. A combined analysis of all the factors will aid in forming a good decision.

  • When looking for a vacation spot, one must look at data that provides information regarding airfare, which airlines are better (percentage of flights that are on time, percentage of cancelled flights, extra charges for bags, etc), hotel rates, hotel expenses and best hotel locations, and hotel reviews. Depending on what kind of trip you want, looking up what attractions( shopping, night life, food) are located near a desired vacation spot. One could also look up the weather that is expected during the time one would want to travel. These are just a few main points to look over when making a decision for a vacation spot.

  • job: find information on job salary, required qualification, description/reputation of the company, and description of the job.
    Master program: tuition, reputation of the program and school, graduation rate, and how selective the program is.
    Vacation spot: find information on the price of different vacation spot, reviews on the vacation spot, reputation, and what attractions are available in different vacation spot.

  • When one is trying to apply for a job the data sources they will need to use in order to make the best decision include the job specification, the required skills and knowledge one will need for the job, the amount of time one will work, the salary, and the benefits the job will give. When one is applying for a master’s program one will need to know the tuition rates for the program, the graduation rate of the program, and the reviews of it. When one is deciding on a vacation spot one will use data sources that include cheap airline flight prices, reviews on the best vacation spot to go to, news on the area surrounding the vacation spot, and the weather of the vacation spot.

  • If I am looking for a job, I want to know the location, salary and the opportunity of promotion.
    If I pick up a master program, I want to know the ranking, tuition and the employment rate after graduation.
    If I am searching a vacation spot, I want to know the weather, the price of the hotels and what attractions are available.

  • When looking for a job, I would like to know the location, salary, history of the company, job description, transportation information, benefits.

    If I was looking for a master program, I would like to know the tuition, ranking in the country, housing and transportation information

    If I was looking for a vacation spot, I would like to know the weather forecast, price of lodging, price of travel and other expenses, location.

  • When trying to find a great vacation spot, the data sources that one would need to make a decision on a vacation spot would include:

    1) Finding the best prices on the desired vacation spot
    2) Figuring out interesting things to do in that vacation spot
    3) The weather prediction of the vacation spot during one’s time there
    4) Airline ticket pricing

  • Data sources when applying to a job…

    -Job title and description
    -Skills required/ Certifications
    -Benefits/ Incentives
    -Hours Required

  • When applying to a job:
    Licenses needed

    When applying to graduate school:
    credits needed
    course map

    Vacation spot:
    Transportation prices

  • Whenever I’m looking for a good vacation spot to go, I always use Expedia which always offers the best amount of information to pick the ideal spot. After I do my research and find where I’m going I usually do the package deal for flight hotel and car (if need) and get the best rates and quality guaranteed.

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