MIS 0855 – Prof. Min-Seok Pang

Online discussion questions – Day 38 (Apr 17) – Your Career

  • What kind of jobs are increasingly being replaced by robots and computers?
  • What kind of jobs are increasingly being outsourced abroad?

19 Responses to Online discussion questions – Day 38 (Apr 17) – Your Career

  • jobs which consist of providing services such as consulting or legal advising are increasingly being outsourced abroad.
    Jobs such as piloting, or toll booth jobs are increasingly being replaced by robots and computers.

  • Jobs that are being replaced by robots and computers – accountants, toll collectors, mathematicians
    Jobs that are being outsourced abroad – advising from doctors broad, making products (apple)

  • Jobs that are being replaced by robots are phone operators, and bank tellers for example.
    Jobs that are being outsourced are research and development. Companies like Microsoft do this.

  • Jobs that are being replace by robots are jobs that are simple and repetitive, therefore easily automated such as Chaffeurs, advisors, loan officers, and retail salespeople. Jobs that are being outsourced include tax preparers, web programmers and designers, doctors and computer specialists.

  • Jobs that are being replaced by robots and computers are security guys, doctors (cancels, surgeries), and blue-color workers.

    Jobs that are being outsourced abroad are data analysts, software programmers, cheap labors like Foxconn.

  • Jobs that are being replaced my robots are factory jobs which consist of making goods such as food and food packaging. Robots are now responsible for most of the packing of the food.

  • Jobs that are increasingly being replaced by robots are line assembly jobs, such as building cars or computers. Also, robots are taking over a lot of procedures in hospitals, replacing the surgeon. Jobs that very commonly get outsourced are clothing assembly and customer service call centers, due to the cut in costs associated with outsourcing off shore.

  • Jobs that are being outsorced are those such as manufacturing jobs, phone operators at call centers, doctors (surgical techniques), cashiers (self check out), bank tellers and so on. As technology grows more and more jobs will continue to be replaced by computers.

  • Jobs that are being increasingly replaced are ones that are repetitive and predictable. These include manufacturing jobs(assembly lines), toll collectors, cashiers, and bank tellers.

  • Jobs that require repetitive work without the need of human experience and morals are being replaced.

  • Jobs that are being increasingly outsourced abroad are phone support jobs. Companies have many customer service branches in other countries because it is much cheaper. Also computer programing, IT jobs, research and developers, and also manufacturers are being outsourced over seas.

  • The types of jobs that are consistently being replaced by robots are manufacturing jobs, bank tellers, toll collectors, and piloting. On the other hand, jobs that are being outsourced abroad in order to be obtained for cheaper are consultants in the medical, law, and business fields, as well as call centers, research centers, tax preparers and manufacturing.

  • Jobs that are being replaced by robots and computers : Accountant, Stock Trader and Doctor
    Jobs that are being outsourced abroad – HR, Programer and manufacturing jobs

  • Jobs that are being outsourced- programmers, manufacturing, consulting for businesses and other industries.
    Jobs that are being replaced- manufacturing, toll clerks, and any other job that can be replaced with an automated robot.

  • Jobs that are being replaced are jobs that become routine, like toll clerks and accountants.
    Jobs that are being outsourced are jobs such as programming and manufacturing jobs or phone tellers at call centers.

  • The kinds of jobs that are being replaced by robots in the future are jobs that are routine and require no emotion or critical thinking ability. Jobs that will be outsourced in the future will include manufacturing jobs, research jobs, and programming jobs.

  • The jobs that are being replaced are ones that no not involved human rationalization. These jobs are more repetitive jobs that do not require much problem solving. A lot of manufacturing jobs have been replaced. In addition i found out in class how many white collar jobs are not being outsourced to other counties such as diagnostics of doctors and even accounting jobs.

  • The jobs that are being replaced in the future are the non-routine jobs that do not need human critical thinking and innovative skills such as selling, negotiating, presenting, and problem solving.

  • • Astronauts have a great deal of being replaced by robots or computers who might be able to reach space or the moon a lot faster than any rocket of human can. Furthermore, we see day to day technology getting more advances and causing a lot of humans out of jobs.

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