MIS 0855 – Prof. Min-Seok Pang

Online discussion questions – Day 39 (Apr 20) – Your Career

  • What kind of jobs will not be replaced by robots and computers in the next 30 years?
  • What should you do to survive changes in the job markets made by technologies?

17 Responses to Online discussion questions – Day 39 (Apr 20) – Your Career

  • Jobs that will not be replaced in the next 30 years are ones that include critical thinking are not regular or predictable.

    To survive changes in the job markets, you need to have a variety of skills and must be able to adapt to change and continue to learn. The skills you should develop include analytic thinking, problem solving, and communication skills.

  • Jobs that require creative thinking, analysis, communication skills, leadership, and problem-solving will not be replaced in the next 30 years. In order to survive the changes in the job markets, you must be open to learning new skills during your lifetime. You might want to pick up another major in order to gain more skills.

  • Jobs that are not going to be replaced by robots and computers in 30 years are jobs requiring creative, innovative, analytic thinking, problem solving, leadership, and entrepreneurship skills.
    To survive, we need to develop multiple and different skills.

  • To survive in this job market with growing advanced technology, we need to be able to work along side technology. People can learn software technology or engineering skills. Also, jobs that require a human touch, such as human resources or social work will not be outsourced to machines.

  • Certain jobs will not be replaced. Job that require to critically analyze irrational human behavior or create and innovate new technology. To survive changes in the job market, everyone should not only learn many fields, but be able to easily adapt to change.

  • The jobs will not be replaced by robots and computers in the next 30 years would be creative, innovative, communicating jobs. Because the robots and computers excel in data processing, they are only able to operate or work within the settled system by humans. It means they don’t have emotions and artificial intelligence so that they cannot be the same as human beings. To survive changes in the job markets made by technologies, we should be exposed to new technologies as many as we can not to be behind the trend. Early bird can lead the trend in the world.

  • Jobs that will not be replaced by computers or robots in the next 30 years are jobs that involve analyzing, creativity, or decision-making. To stay ahead of the job market you have to be versatile. You cannot be comfortable knowing only one skill. You need to be flexible and be able to work anywhere on anything that is required of you. You need to constantly keep learning and staying up to date with technology and new software.

  • In the next 30 years, jobs such as tellers, cashiers, book keepers and toll collectors will be replaced by technology and robots. These jobs do not require creative, innovative and/or analytic thinking which makes them easily replaceable. To survive these in the job markets made by technology, one must learn a wide variety of skills and always be open to learning more skills.

  • Computers will never be able to exactly mimic human emotions. Humans have a need for communication with other human beings that can show compassion or sympathy for them. Therefore, jobs that deal with people and people’s emotions cannot be replaced by computers that cannot show real sympathy or compassion.

  • A sense of Morality and especially emotions is something that Computers no matter how advanced will replicate. This is because we as humans have things at our core being that are not replica-table. Computers will never be able to make decisions based on morality and feelings. Computers are created to never make mistakes when making decisions without room for error. Making mistakes is also what makes us human because we might make the wrong decision based on our emotions and beliefs. As the saying goes “After all we are all just human”.
    To minimize your chances of not being replaced by a computer you have to be flexible and be able to work in different fields that require different skill sets.

  • Jobs needs innotaion will not be replaced in the next 30 years. The computers can only repeat what people told them.
    To survive changes in the job markets, you need to continue learning. The skills that you should develop include communication skills and critical thinking skills.

  • To survive the changing culture, we must make sure to always keep learning and building on our knowledge to stay up to date or ahead of technology. We must be critical thinkers, be ambidextrous, and stay ahead of the learning curve. This means being creative or being an entrepreneur.

  • Jobs that will not be replaced are jobs that need creativity, critical thinking or problem solving, many jobs that are not routine. One should develop skills such as critical thinking, communication, and being ambidextrous. Developing these traits will allow you to survive the changes in the job market, because these are skills that cannot be replaced.

  • The kinds of jobs that will not be replaced by technology in 30 years will be jobs that require creativity and critical thinking. In order to survive the advancement of technology in the job market and be able to stay employed one must develop interpersonal as well as critical thinking ability. In addition, having multiple skills would be essential to remaining employed in the future.

  • Any job that requires major problem solving and creative thinking. Many management positions require people to be inside of the country and cant be replaced by a robot.In addition being an entrepreneur is also a job in high demand because these potions create jobs. They will never be replaced because it requires major problem solving to start up your own business.

  • Jobs that will not be replaced by technology in 30 years are jobs that involve creative problem solving. In order to survive in this era, new employees have to learn the abilty to learn and re-invent themselves as employees. They will have to be technology savy and understand data. Presenting and sellign will also be valuable skills that the new generation of employees will have to learn.

  • A lot of people are worried about robots and computers taking over human jobs within the next 30 year. Honestly I don’t see a huge effect on this because computers can’t have leadership abilities ,problems solving or creative ideas

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