Here is the study guide for the third exam.
In-Class Exercise 13.2: Simple Predictive Analytics
Here is the exercise.
And here is the spreadsheet you’ll need [In-Class Exercise 13.2 – VandelayOrdersAll.xlsx].
In-Class Exercise 12.2: Sentiment Analysis Using Excel
Here is the exercise.
And here is the spreadsheet you’ll need for the exercise [In-Class Exercise 12.2 – Sentiment Analysis Tools.xlsx].
Reading Quiz #10: Due April 12
Some quick instructions:
- You must complete the quiz by the start of class.
- When you click on the link, you may see a Google sign in screen. Use your AccessNet ID and password to sign in. It will then take you to the quiz.
If it says you don’t have access, make sure you’re signed out of your regular Gmail (non-TUMail) account! - You can only do the quiz once. If you submit multiple times, I’ll only use the first (oldest) one.
- This is “open book” – you can use the articles to answer the questions – but do not get help from anyone else.
Ready? Take the quiz by clicking this link.
In-Class Exercise 12.1: Manually Determining the Sentiment of Text Data
Here is the exercise.
In-Class exercise 11.2: Working with ‘Pivot Tables’ in Tableau
Here is the exercise.
Here is the excel spreadsheet you will need to complete this exercise [In-Class Exercise 11.2 – NCAA 2013-2014 Player Stats]
Reading Quiz #9: Due April 5
Some quick instructions:
- You must complete the quiz by the start of class.
- When you click on the link, you may see a Google sign in screen. Use your AccessNet ID and password to sign in. It will then take you to the quiz.
If it says you don’t have access, make sure you’re signed out of your regular Gmail (non-TUMail) account! - You can only do the quiz once. If you submit multiple times, I’ll only use the first (oldest) one.
- This is “open book” – you can use the articles to answer the questions – but do not get help from anyone else.
Ready? Take the quiz by clicking this link.
In-Class Exercise 11.1: Creating a Database
Here is the exercise.
Reading Quiz #8: Due March 29
Some quick instructions:
- You must complete the quiz by the start of class.
- When you click on the link, you may see a Google sign in screen. Use your AccessNet ID and password to sign in. It will then take you to the quiz.
If it says you don’t have access, make sure you’re signed out of your regular Gmail (non-TUMail) account! - You can only do the quiz once. If you submit multiple times, I’ll only use the first (oldest) one.
- This is “open book” – you can use the articles to answer the questions – but do not get help from anyone else.
Ready? Take the quiz by clicking this link.
Groups for final project
Please send me your group members by March 22 at 9:30am. I will then place anyone that does not have a group and email you with all of the group members’ names and email addresses.