Section 005, Instructor: Joe Spagnoletti

In Class Exercises

In class Exercise 1.1: Data is Everywhere

MIS0855: Data Science

In-Class Exercise 1.1 : Data is Everywhere!


  • Identify data embedded in our environment.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Identify data embedded into the environment
  • Differentiate between the data source and the data
  • Describe the information that could be derived from that data

Part 1: Explore (15 minutes)

In groups of three or four, look for sources of data using observation, phone, computer throughout Alter and Speakman Hall. Here are the rules:

  • Make a note of the source data
  • Make a note of some of the data itself
    • (i.e., a clock is the source, the time is the data)
  • Determine the kind of information that can be derived from the data!

Part 2: Class Discussion (10 minutes)

We’ll compare notes, using these questions as a guide:

  • What data did you find? Where did it come from?
  • What kind of information can you derive from the information?
  • What data made more than one list? Why do you think that was the case?
Office Hours

Joe Spagnoletti (instructor)

Office: Speakman 207H

Hours: (1:20-1:50, 3:00) M, W, F by appointment.


TA: Prince Patel
