MIS2101 Section 702 – Amy Lavin – Spring 2014

Class Reader

British Man Charged with Hacking NASA and US Military Computers


1) Most Americans give information to the government and, for the most part, they think that it is secure and there will not be a chance to have that information hacked.  And given that the United States has gained more access to their citizen’s personal information and data, do you think that this person being able to hack into the government systems is reason for concern and why?

2) Certain hackers like Edward Snowden feel that they are doing the ethical thing by exposing the government to the people and that the citizens have a right to this information.  Do you think that this is true or false?  Why?

3) In the article, this man faced up to 5 years in prison and $250,000 in fines.  Do you think that these punishments are stern enough?  Do you think that the punishments should be based on the magnitude of the breach?

Hackers Lurking in Vents and Soda Machines

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How might this example of IS security breach affect your decision to purchase new devices that allow its users constant connection through their phone or internet?

How much fault should be placed on the company who falls victim to security breaches?

Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and subsequent government Acts require companies to implement a “reasonable” level of security. The lack of specific guidelines and its vague language leaves room for interpretation allowing companies to spend the minimum on cybersecurity.  Do you feel the Government should pass a bill to enforce companies to uphold a standard level of cybersecurity?

Rimini Street diversifies with cloud services for Workday, Salesforce.com


Independent Oracle and SAP support provider Rimini Street will now offer integration services for customers who want to adopt SaaS (software-as-a-service) offerings from the likes of Salesforce.com and Workday.

IT environments are set to “transform” from monolithic software suites to ones that include specialized applications as well as a mix of on-premises and cloud-based software, Rimini said in a statement.

After reading this article:

1. Is Rimini Street more focused on system effectiveness or system efficiency based on the integration services now being offered? Why?

2. Which argument do you believe Rimini Street is making in this business case (Faith, Fear, or Fact)? Why?

3. What form of Software conversion strategy is Rimini Street using in this example (Parallel, Direct, Phased, or Pilot (Single location)?Why?





In Second Look, Few Savings From Digital Health Records


The conversion to electronic health records has failed so far to produce the hoped-for savings in health care costs and has had mixed results, at best, in improving efficiency and patient care, according to a new analysis by the influential RAND Corporation.

Optimistic predictions by RAND in 2005 helped drive explosive growth in the electronic records industry and encouraged the federal government to give billions of dollars in financial incentives to hospitals and doctors that put the systems in place.

1. If you were recommending one of these systems for a healthcare facility would you use the original RAND study in your cost benefit analysis knowing it had been paid for by companies that provide these systems?
2. If you were senior management at a firm that had adopted one of these electronic records systems how much time would you allow for a system that was not living up to its promised saving and efficiency improvements before scrapping it and looking for a new system?
3. Should the government take this level of involvement in encouraging companies to upgrade their systems, through the use of stimulus money and passing new laws requiring companies to upgrade their systems?

Supply Chain News: IBM, Indian Auto Groups Launch Ambitious Connectivity Hub to Integrate OEMs, Parts Suppliers.


While there are always individual company leaders which drive connectivity for their own benefits, rarely if ever has an entire sector really tried to address the issue, other than perhaps developing electronic communication standards, such as the VICS EDI standards in consumer goods to retail.
After reading this article
1.Do you think lack of connectivity and integration is a key limitation in the progress of the supply chain in any industry sector, from consumer goods to health care?
2.How do companies such as IBM improve their Supply Chain Management (SCM) system using the new system and do you think it will be industry standard?
3.How will developing new electronic communication standards benefit industries comparing to present system?

Disaster Looms: Why Today’s Global Supply Chains Are At Risk


Companies today have to take a better look at their supply chain measurements to ensure the safety of their products and facilities, before the  end product is received by the consumer. It is unethical and irresponsible for companies to not have a proper risk-management plan in place when a faulty product is made and has caused harmed to a human being. Today, more and more companies are trying to cut costs and increase purchasing power by reducing suppliers to a bare minimum. This strategy that companies are using in an attempt to increase revenue can hurt a company if they were not to have access to an alternative vendor, if a disaster were to occur with a companies original supplier. “Companies have spent untold amounts of money on ERP systems to manage financials and other basic functions, but they’re less advanced in acquiring systems that enable end-to-end visibility and collaboration among all supply chain partners.” Companies can lose billions of dollars from a supply chain disaster and harm the reputation of a company, which can lead to a long-term decrease in revenue.

1. If you were the risk manager at a large company, would one of your main focuses for the company be on the  supply chain process? Why?

2. Do you think it is irresponsible and potentially harmful to a company in the long run to reduce their supply chain and to not have the proper safety measures in place for the factories. Why or why not?

3. What is an example of one company producing a faulty product and what was their immediate response to producing that faulty product? Did they have a proper supply chain risk management plan in place?

7 – Preparing for a cyber attack

With the numerous amount of data used to support company specifically in an enterprise wide information system. The integration of applications is incredibly conducive to congregating your information. Data can be share seamlessly across department to department but this also leaves you open for attack. This article discusses what a company should do to prepare and what preventative actions to take. http://deloitte.wsj.com/cio/2014/03/03/former-fbi-agent-mary-galligan-on-preparing-for-a-cyber-attack/?KEYWORDS=enterprise+wide+information+system

Taking from the following article

1. How should small businesses deal with cyber attacks what advice would you give them if every mobile device is essentially a vulnerability?

2. To prevent an accidental breach through a negligent employee should their be policies in place about what you can do with your laptop? If so what would they consist of and if not why do you believe their shouldn’t be any policies?

3.  In most cases cyber security breaches are identified by a third party, why do you think this is the case?


CIO’s, CEO’s and ERP Systems



Chief Information Officers (CIO) have the unfortunate task of attempting to not only keep up with the rapid changing technology in the world, but they also must find the best suitable technology for their company. Failure to not have the latest version or most comprehensive software out their could lead to competitors having an advantage. This article discusses challenges companies and their CIO’s face when trying to implement an ERP system.

After reading this article

1. How can CEO’s get CIO’s to understand the business goals of the company so that the CIO’s can make more informed decisions?

2. With how fast technology is constantly changing and the high costs of newer products in the market, can CEO’s expect CIO’s to always have the best, most updated ERP system?

3. Do you think most ERP systems fail because they are not suited for the business or because management has not properly trained employees on how to use the system?

Social Media at Work: The New Facebook



After reading the article,

1. Do you think social media networks like Jive and Yammer can replace email in the workplace?

2. Do you think specialized social media networks are necessary? Why wouldn’t a corporation be able to accomplish the same thing on Facebook and Twitter?

3. What are some potential pitfalls to consider when utilizing social media in the office?

Shop Small or Shop Big?


 Online Shoppers are Rooting for the Little Guy


This article talks about the struggles small online shops have competing against big sites like amazon.com, the tactics they’ve adopted to compete against larger sites, and the consumers who are making a conscious effort to shop small even if it may cost them more money.

Online retailers such as Amazon and Zappos have developed a bully reputation among some because they push out the small “mom-and-pop” shops with their low prices, free and quick shipping and wide variety selections. These independent shops have had to get creative by offering exclusive brands or designs, and even some “freebies” included with purchase (positive incentives), and by preventing price comparisons (negative incentives). Amazon does offer small business the opportunity to sell on their website through their Marketplace program, thus giving businesses the opportunity to reach a larger customer base, but even so, independent businesses cannot compete price-wise.
1. Do you think websites such as Amazon.com or Zappos are bullies to small shops? Why or why not?
2. What would motivate you to shop from a small business (possibly paying a higher price) rather than a larger company online?
3. If you had an online business, what tactics or incentives would you use to compete with Amazon?

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