MIS 2101.002 – Shana Pote – Fall 2015


Extra Credit – WebEx Submissions

If you plan to submit Extra Credit via WebEx:

Review the assignment on our Community site:
The following WebEx help files will give you the details needed to open and share your slide deck content, capture video of yourself presenting, record your presentation, save your recording, and email link to me for credit:
To submit your Extra Credit, please email me a link to each presentation. You may do a total of 2, including any you may have done live in class.
Extra credit will be accepted through the end of class on Monday December 7 (1:50pm).

Nov. 8-11, 2015 – Announcements

Learn IT! #5

  • Due 11/20/15
  • Is the follow up to Learn IT! #1 (Digital Identity)
  • Only do PART 5

Final Exam

  • Schedule is posted here: http://www.temple.edu/registrar/students/courseinfo/exams.asp
  • Will be proctored in Alter Hall 033
  • Scantron, bring #2 pencil
  • If you have more than 2 exams already scheduled on our Exam Day, I can attempt to reschedule for individual students well in advance, but not last minute. Since all exam schedules have been published, you must let me know before 11/18 if you have more than 2 exams already scheduled and are requesting reschedule.
    • You will need to provide proof of the other two exams when you submit your request.
    • No promises can be made, other than I’ll make every effort to work out an alternate arrangement if possible.
  • If you are working with DRS and wish to request accommodation, you must also notify me no later than 11/18, so there’s sufficient time to make arrangements.

Exam Review Class Capture and Study Questions


Class Capture from the 10/21/15 Midterm #2 Review Session:  http://tucapture.fox.temple.edu/Mediasite/Play/ded05c7c6b1c4228bef3ee9beba12e291d

Webpage with good overview of Entity Relationship Diagram notation: http://www.conceptdraw.com/solution-park/diagramming-ERD

YouTube video re: ERDs: https://youtu.be/-fQ-bRllhXc

Review Questions:

Week 5&6

What is Enterprise Resource Planning?
What is Customer Resource Management?
What is SAP? What are its core product and service offerings?
What are two major components of an ERP system?
What is a transactional database?
What does single view of data mean?
What is a dashboard?
What kind of reports are produced in an ERP? What are KPIs?
What is data visualization? What are some reasons we might want to visualize big data?
What are some of the major issues behind the failure of healthcare.gov? 
What is “accountability creep” and how is it related to analytics?
What is “requirements gathering” and what are some ways to accomplish it?

Week 7

What are the key steps in decision-making process?
What is data analytics? How is it used by organizations?
What is Google analytics? What are the core metrics it provides?
What are OLTP and OLAP?
What is a hypercube?
What is knowledge management (KM)?
What is a community of practice?
What is tacit knowledge?
What is knowledge transfer (KT)?
What is open innovation?

Week 8

What are key factors to be considered in software make vs. buy decision?
What are key factors to consider when developing software?
What are key factors to consider when buying and integrating software?
What are some components of cyber crime? What is the hacking business model?
What are common security threats and what are some safeguards against them?
What are some of the issues surrounding Snowden’s exposure of the NSA?

National Cyber Security Awareness Month – contest

As mentioned in class yesterday, it is National Cyber Security Awareness month. Temple Computer Services is promoting this topic in various ways including a contest for a 1 minute security focused video. More information about the activities and the contest Computer Services is running is available at https://computerservices.temple.edu/ncsam. The deadline to enter this contest is Wednesday, October 21st.

Good Luck if you opt to enter!

Midterm #2 Review Session – tomorrow, October 21, 6-7:00pm, Rm 603

Tomorrow, October 21st, the diamond peer teachers will hold a review session for MIS 2101 and MIS 2901 from 6:00pm – 7:00pm in room 603. If you cannot attend, the session will be recorded, and the link will be posted shortly after the session ends.
Please be aware, like the first review session, that this is not a structured review. Students are expected to come to the session prepared with questions. The session will essentially be run by the students; when the students run out of questions, the session will end.


Extra Credit

Extra Credit – 5 minute presentation of relevant current article to class – 5 points added to exam

  • Find an article related to anything we’ve discussed or in-class activity. Article must bring together business and technology, and relate to one of our key learning objectives.
  • Good places to look for articles are: InfoWeek, ComputerWorld, Business Week, Wall Street Journal, etc…
  • Send your pitch (proposed article and topic to discuss) to professor for approval, along with requested dates to present.
  • If pitch is approved, presentation should include: article, article source, related class topic, discussion about how article ties into class topic, 2-3 questions for class to contemplate.
  • Professor will let you know which date you’re scheduled to present, and whether your article and topic pitch are approved.
  • Can do two presentations for a maximum of 10 points, applied to either Midterm exam grade.
  • Extra credit can be attempted through December 7.

10/5/15 In-Class Activity – Filling in the Income Statement

As per my email regarding class on Monday, 10/5/15, questions regarding the In-Class Activity on page 23, “Filling in the Income Statement”, can be posted here as a comment during our usual class time on 10/5/15, from 1-1:50pm, and I will answer them as reply comments during that time.

You may work on the activity independently or in your own groups.

Everyone is responsible for turning in their Activity paper within the first 10 minutes of class on Wednesday, 10/7/15.

Stay safe.

Professor Pote

Sept. 23 Announcements