MIS 2101.002 – Amy Lavin – Spring 2016

Extra Credit

Overview & Purpose:

Spend some time reflecting on the various information systems and topics we have discussed throughout the semester.  Keeping in mind the core concepts that you are learning in MIS2101 and the core concepts you are learning about in your major classes, compose a one page reflection on how and of the topics we’ve covered are directly related to what you expect to do in your future work. 

The purpose of this assignment is to make the connection between MIS and the rest of the business community.  You are welcome to include outside sources, including articles, that might talk about the connection you’ve made – 

For example, if you are a Marketing Major, you might write a reflection on how a CRM will improve your business and what you might use it for to generate customer loyalty.  If you are a Risk Management major, why do you think the cloud will add to your flexibility or your data security headaches?  These are just examples!

You should cover the following points in your writeup:

  1.  A brief overview of the MIS topic you selected (what it is, why it is important)
  2. How the topic relates to your current major
  3. Ways that you think you will utilize this technology/concept/system in your career
  4. Any additional information that would be good to know or consider!

Your writeup should be roughly one typed page – or about 250 words.  

To receive credit, your write up must satisfy the following criteria:

  1.  The listed points above should be covered in your writeup
  2. The text should be in your own words – paraphrase your sources and make sure you cite them in a bibliography!
  3. Your document should be a word document.
  4. Your document should be professional and free of grammatical errors and typos.

If these criteria are met, you will receive the Extra Credit points. 

All Extra Credit submissions are due by 11:59PM onFriday, April 22nd.  You should email your submissions to OWLbox – upload.Extra_C.5e54f1ekzd@u.box.com from your Temple email account.  



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