MIS 2101.004 – Adam Alalouf – Spring 2016

Learn IT! #4: Learn Code with Codecademy

In this assignment you will work with easy, fun, and interactive coding tutorials at codecademy.com, learning the fundamentals of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.

Learn IT! #4 – Coding with Codecademy

How to submit your assignment:

Submit all final deliverables by email to this address: upload.Learn_I.pd2ky34p1e@u.box.com

How to save and name your file:

Save your file as a PDF and name it using the following convention: LastName_FirstName_Learn-it-4

What if I try to email the assignment to the special address and it doesn’t work?

Try again. It should work, and you should get a confirmation email. If you try again and you still can’t get it to work, email me the assignment with a brief explanation of the error.

When is it due?

This assignment is due March 31, 2016

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