MIS 2101.004 – Adam Alalouf – Spring 2016

Student Agreement

I have read the MIS 2101 Section 004 course introduction post and I understand its content, specifically, that this course does not use Blackboard, and uses a WordPress site that is hosted on community.mis.temple.edu. I understand that this site is the source for all updates and relevant information pertaining to course materials, required readings, assignments, reviews, exams, and submission protocols. I understand that it is my responsibility to check the site regularly and review the content posted in order to succeed in this course. I also understand that this course is activity-based and that attendance is required and will be to my benefit, that submission of in-class activities counts towards the final grade, and that activities cannot be made up. I also understand that I am responsible for completing the required readings before class for my own benefit and the benefit of my classmates, since advance reading of the materials enables valuable discussion and explanation of the concepts. I also understand that it is my prerogative to ask questions during class and to raise issues I believe to be relevant to course material, and that my rights to participate will not be infringed upon for any reason, including but not limited to my personal beliefs, religious and political views, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, and race.