MIS 2101.004 – Adam Alalouf – Spring 2016

Learn IT! #5: Google Analytics Results

In this part of the Digital Identity Management assignment you will analyze and report on key metrics that have been collected by Google Analytics regarding visitors that have visited your e-Portfolio site.

Learn IT! #1 – Digital Identity Management – Only complete part 5

How to submit your assignment:

Submit all final deliverables by email to this address: upload.Learn_I.ot9n1ow9k1@u.box.com

How to save and name your file:

Save your file as a PDF and name it using the following convention: LastName_FirstName_Learn-it-5

What if I try to email the assignment to the special address and it doesn’t work?

Try again. It should work, and you should get a confirmation email. If you try again and you still can’t get it to work, email me the assignment with a brief explanation of the error.

When is it due?

This assignment is due April 15, 2016

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