MIS 2101.007 – Jonathan Latko – Fall 2018


Sept 20th update


  1. Learn IT #1 is due this Sunday with two required submissions. Remember to get this in on time please! 
  2. Exam 1  will be Oct 4th during class. Once the exam is finished you may leave.
  3. There will be an Exam 1 Review Session on Monday, September 24th, 4:00-5:30pm in Alter 603. The session will be recorded on Class Capture so if you are not able to come I plan to post the link. Please note that we do NOT plan on covering all of the exam materials but rather, students are expected to come with questions. 
  4. Tonight we will be covering ERDs. 


MIS 2101 to do list for the week of September 4th

  1. Please print out and bring with you the class packet – you will need to bring this packet for each class so we can do the in-class assignments for each week: http://community.mis.temple.edu/mis2101sec007f18/course-materials/    If you do not bring this, you will not get credit for doing the in class assignments. 
  2. We will NOT be meeting in Alter 33 on Thursday evening Sept 6th.  I am assigning the class time to get a started on the class homework assignment Learn IT#1 and to get caught up on the readings and videos for Week 1 and Week 3 in the schedule.     
  3. You must post your Name and E-portfolio address at the bottom of the LEARNT IT#1 Assignment page by Sunday. http://community.mis.temple.edu/mis2101sec007f18/learn-it-1/       (Please note some of you have posted your profile but not you actual e-portfolio address which will look like this: http://eportfolios.fox.temple.edu/firstinitiallastname/ you will not get credit for posting your assignment if it does not take me to the proper page. If you posted your link already and it is incorrect, please go back and post it again. ) 
  4. Watch the videos and read the articles before we meet again on September 13th. We will be jumping right into building swimlane diagrams. 
  5. Any questions please email me directly at jlatko@temple.edu  

Have a great night – Prof Latko

Welcome to MIS2101 Fall 2018

Welcome to MIS2101, Information Systems in Organizations.  We will not be using Canvas for this class.  Instead we’ll be using this site which is hosted by Community.MIS.Temple.Edu.  This site is built on WordPress, a world class open-source blogging tool.  As part of completing the assignments in MIS2101 you will gain some experience with WordPress and other technologies.

Unlike most intro courses, this course has no required textbook.  The traditional textbook has been replaced by a collection of readings and videos that are freely available over the Internet.  Another way you will find this class very different than most classes you will take at any university is that this class is “activity based”.  With this type of class there is far less traditional lecture.  We will used the time that is freed up from lectures to complete in-class activities that help students develop a deeper and more genuine understanding of the material that is discussed during our class discussions.

On this site you will find all of the required course materials including the syllabus, links to the assigned readings, links to assigned videos, assignments and access to your grades for the course.  In addition announcements will be made in class and/or on this site so it is important that you check this site regularly for announcements.