MIS 2101.008 – Kapish K. Vanvaria – Fall 2016

Learn IT! #3

In this assignment you will get to work with a live SAP system as you work through two processes for a fictitious energy bar company, FitterSnacker.

  1. Learn IT! #3 – 2101 SAP Instructions
  2. Learn IT! #3 – SAP User ID distribution
  3. Learn IT! #3 – How to Use SAP
  4. Learn IT! #3 – Exercise 1 of 2 – Sales Order Exercise
  5. Learn IT! #3 – Exercise 2 of 2 – HR Exercise

Save your document with the naming convention LastnameFirstname _LastnameFirstname_LearnIT3_MIS2101008 (put both names if you worked as a team

Email your Learn IT to this email address Learn_I.oopz0tszk0xeerz2@u.box.com

Remember, it must be in the OwlBox by 5:30PM Wednesday 11/16. No late assignments will be accepted!

*** Remember, no late assignments will be accepted!


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