Hello and welcome to MIS2402, section 1. I look forward to our first class together next Tuesday in Zoom (https://temple.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMqf-mhqD8qHdDPs9f0Ca9-kx6W8Snhj1q9).
Many students ask me how they can best prepare for the course. I have some advice! Everyone should be doing the following before we first meet as a class.
- Download Discord application and join our Server by following this link: https://discord.gg/aCudYeFw Please use your real name for communicating on Discord.
- Download and install the course related software before the start of class. Installation instructions can be found on the Course Materials page.
- Windows PC users should install VS Code and Bitvise
- Mac OS users should install VS Code and FileZilla.
- Please note – while either platform can be used successfully in this class, most exercises and challenges are written with Windows PC screenshots and terminology.
- Sign in to http://linkedinlearning.temple.edu and start watching the videos that will be assigned to you in the first weeks of the semester.
- The semester will begin with an assignment that will require you to watch a substantial amount of material on http://linkedinlearning.temple.edu. There’s no reason that you can’t get a head start on that.
- See the HTML Essentials Reference under the Useful Links section of this page.
- The textbook for the class is the same as for MIS2101: JavaScript Absolute Beginner’s Guide by Kirupa Chinnathambi. You can find details about it on the Course Materials page.
I look forward to seeing you in class on Tuesday 1/11.
-Prof Bauman