Amy Lavin




Course Materials


Week 1

May 19

Course Introduction and SyllabusThe Things You Can Do with Data

The Information Architecture of an Organization

PowerPoint: The Things You Can Do With DataPowerPoint: Information Architecture

May 21

Data ModelingGathering requirements
Introducing The Entity-Relationship Diagram

More on ERDs:
Relationships, cardinality

In-class exercise: Identifying entities & Creating an entity relationship diagram

PowerPoint: Relational Data Modeling

Week 2

May 26

Memorial Day Holiday – No Class

May 28

From ERDs to Schemas:Normalization, primary/foreign keys, joins


Getting data out of the database:



Make sure you’ve done the MySQL tutorial and reviewed the MySQL PowerPoint deck.


In-class exercise: Converting ERDs to schemas & In-class exercise: Pen-and-paper SQL exercise

PowerPoint: Relational Data Modeling 

PowerPoint: SQL 1

Assignment 1 Due: Identifying Entities

Week 3

June 2

Getting data out of the database:Joining tables, SQL subselects, LIMIT


In-class exercise: Working with SQL, part 1

PowerPoint: SQL 1 Assignment 2 Due: ER Modeling

June 4

Creating and updating the databaseSQL CREATE, DROP, and ALTER



In-class exercise: Working with SQL, part 2


Exam Review

PowerPoint: SQL 2 Assignment 3 Due: SQL #1

Week 4

June 9

Exam 1


Turning transaction data into analytical data: Overview of the Dimensional Model


The structure of the Dimensional Model: The Star Schema


PowerPoint: Dimensional Data Modeling Assignment 4 Due: SQL #2

June 11

Working with Dimensional Data:
Pivot Tables in Excel


Getting data into the warehouse and cube:

The Extract, Transform, Load process


Data quality: Best practices, data cleansing, and integration


In-class exercise: Pivot Tables in Excel & In-class exercise: ETL

PowerPoint: ETL  

Week 5

June 16

Introduction to Advanced Analytics and SAS Enterprise Miner

In-class exercise: Descriptive Statistics Review & In-class exercise: Introduction to SAS Enterprise Miner/Preparing Data for Analysis


PowerPoint: Advanced Analytics – Introduction Assignments 5  Due: Pivot Tables in Excel


Assignment 6 Due: ETL

June 18

Analysis Scenario: Determining customer behavior based on a profile (decision trees)


In-class exercise: Interpreting Decision Tree Output & In-class exercise: Decision trees in SAS Enterprise Miner

PowerPoint: Classification using Decision Trees Assignment 7 Due:  Intro to SAS

Week 6

June 23

Analysis Scenario: Identifying similar customers (clustering and segmentation)


In-class exercise: Interpreting Clustering Output & In-class exercise: Clustering and Segmentation in SAS Enterprise Miner

PowerPoint: Clustering and Segmentation Assignment 8 Due:  Decision Trees

June 25

Analysis Scenario: What products are purchased together? (Association Rules)


Principles of Data Visualization


In-class exercise: Interpreting Association Rule Mining Output & In-class exercise: Association Rule Mining in SAS Enterprise Miner

PowerPoint: Association Rule Mining


PowerPoint: Association Rule Mining

Assignment 9 Due: Clustering

Week 7

June 30

Exam 2   Assignment 10 Due: Association Rules