There are two required purchases this semester; see below for details.
Text Book
The first two thirds of the semester does not require a textbook; however, the last third will require a textbook purchase listed below:
JavaScript Absolute Beginner’s Guide
by Kirupa Chinnathambi
Series: Absolute Beginner’s Guide
Paperback: 416 pages
Publisher: Que Publishing; 2nd edition
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-0-13-650289-0
ISBN-10: 0-13-650289-X
Please download and install the following pieces of software:
Google Chrome – While there are a variety of great browsers out there we will be using Google Chrome in the classroom for two reasons. First, it runs on both Windows machines and Macs. Second, it has a great set of “developer’s tools” that you will need during the programming part of the course.
VS Code is a free text editor created by Microsoft. It is a lightweight version of their commercial product, Visual Studio. It runs on Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, and Linux platforms. It is a good editor for JavaScript, HTML and CSS. It also supports a large number of extensions that allow the VS Code editor to be adapted to many purposes. You will find instructions for the VS Code installation under the “HELPFUL LINKS” primary sidebar (conveniently located on the right column of this page).
Max Lab
The fee associated with the MaxLab assignments is $19.99. You will be required to pay the fee as you start the first Lab. DO NOT skip ahead and pay for the Max Lab. Listen carefully in-class to your instructor for additional details.
Study Guides
Please note that in order to be successful on the MIS 2101 exams you will need to complete all of the assigned readings and watch all of the assigned videos (taking notes while you complete these assignments) prior to each class; attend classes regularly and take notes during class too. The readings and videos, combined with the class discussion decks and in-class discussions will enable you to prepare your own study guides. Please be sure to visit the Diamond Peer Corner tab for study materials that will help you prepare for the exams.