MIS 3534 – Prof. Min-Seok Pang

Online discussion questions – Oct 17

  • There is only one person at IVK who knows how the internal IT prices are calculated. What would be the risks? How could he/she abuse the system?
  • Why is the slush fund at IVK problematic from the perspective of managerial (cost) accounting?
  • If you’re Mr. Barton, how would you make the case for new security project funding to business unit managers?
  • Any examples of public goods? (other than what we discussed in-class – defense, fresh air, public park, police, fire dept.)
  • Any examples of Prisoner’s Dilemma (other than what we discussed in class)?
  • If you are a professor, how would you make sure that everyone in a group project works hard and no one free-rides?

9 Responses to Online discussion questions – Oct 17

  • If I was Mr. Barton I would probably find some examples of security breaches that have severely damaged other companies such as the playstation, target, and home depot breaches. I would present these cases to the executives then show them how inexpensive it would be to fix the security problem compared to how much a potential breach could cost even if the risk is very low.

    If I was a professor trying to make sure that the load of work in a group project was shared evenly I would probably have the entire team fill out a project charter detailing each of their responsibilities. I would then require everyone in the class to complete private journal entries detailing their role and their experience with the project to make sure that everyone is doing their part.

  • If something happens to the only person at IVK who knows how to calculate internal IT prices, IVK would suffer a great deal of harm. If this person were to leave the company for any reason, get badly injured, or even die, IVK would no longer be able to effectively calculate internal IT prices. They should consider training multiple people to learn this skill for insurance purposes, therefore lowering the risk. Furthermore, if only one person knows the system, they would be able to abuse the system without anyone being aware. Nobody is able to question the prices that are set, giving this person the freedom to charge any price that they choose.

  • There is only one person at IVK who knows how the internal IT prices are calculated. What would be the risks? How could he/she abuse the system?
    The risk of one person controlling over IT budget can be that “one neck in a loose”. This person is the sole one who’s responsible for anything that happens to IT failure. And if only he/she knows how the budget is calculated, he/she can use the budget for his/her own use without anyone else knowing.

    Why is the slush fund at IVK problematic from the perspective of managerial (cost) accounting?
    It’s not a justified fund, even it is used in something good and for the company. When it is not justified, IT department can be accused of exercising immoral practice even they’re not.

    If you’re Mr. Barton, how would you make the case for new security project funding to business unit managers?
    I will do exactly what he did. At the beginning, IT controls the budget, but later down the road, after times of implementing this strategy, business units will be able to have says on IT budgets after they realize that it’s a productiveness boost instead of dragging it down.

    Any examples of public goods? (other than what we discussed in-class – defense, fresh air, public park, police, fire dept.)
    Mostly they are related to urban planning and public infrastructure. Public transportation, education, healthcare, emergency services, public welfare, civil services, clean water, etc.

    Any examples of Prisoner’s Dilemma (other than what we discussed in class)?
    Say, if a recruiter is interviewing a bunch of candidates and only two of them are female. These two women are wondering whether or not they should wear make up during the interview. If one woman wears make up but the other do not, then the other woman may get less competitive on first impression. But if no one wears make up, the recruiter would not feel odd at all. If both of them wear make up then the recruiter has the same good impression from both of them. However, these women do not know each other before the interview. For their best interest, they would always think that wearing make up is good for building a good first impression. Each of these two women would assume that the other woman would wear make up which will make themselves worse off.

    If you are a professor, how would you make sure that everyone in a group project works hard and no one free-rides?
    I will try to split the whole project into different tasks. I would ask them to choose a team leader, and this leader would have to assign their member different tasks in the project, and this leader would have to report to me which task is assigned to whom. Every two week, they would have to report to the whole group of their progress, and the team leader will report the progress of the tasks to me. In the end of the project, each person in the group will vote grade each member’s performance except him/herself.

  • Having only one person know how the IT prices are calculated can cause many risks. The risk can be an over allocation of funds to the IT department and taking money from the company. This system can be abused because the one person can just funnel money out of the company and no one will know because that person can make up the number of how the price is distributed.

    If I was a professor assigning students to a group project. I would split the work between each individual and let them work on each of their separate parts, but their grades will depend on the others work by a small percentage. Doing this will making the individual do their own work and also help the others out if they want to get the higher grade.

  • If I were a professor making sure that everyone in a group project is doing their work, I would definitely break up the project in individual assignments. For example, if there is 4 people in a group then I will divide the project into 4 individual assignments. Once the assignments are completed, everyone will come together at the end and collaborate with each other to focus on the main objective of the project. Once the project is completed, I will hand out an evaluation survey which the team members will give a rating to each other out of 10 based on their effort and contribution to the project.

  • There is only one person at IVK who knows how the internal IT prices are calculated. What would be the risks? How could he/she abuse the system?
    If they leave, then nobody will know how the calculations work. Also, there is no system to check for accuracy by peers. Another problem is the potential for personal bias and corruption within departments. If he/she wanted, they could reduce the amount that a department pays in exchange for favors.
    Why is the slush fund at IVK problematic from the perspective of managerial (cost) accounting?
    Since the projects done using the slush fund aren’t considered costs, it makes the information inaccurate, which leads to bad decisions.
    If you’re Mr. Barton, how would you make the case for new security project funding to business unit managers?
    I would first estimate the damage that a breach of security would do. Then, convert it into approximate costs. Then, I would show the likely chance that it would happen in every year. Lastly, I would inform them about the recent patterns in the servers.
    Any examples of public goods? (other than what we discussed in-class – defense, fresh air, public park, police, fire dept.)
    Some examples are public schools, roads, and sidewalks.
    Any examples of Prisoner’s Dilemma (other than what we discussed in class)?
    One example is doping in professional sports. If both players stay clean, they play somewhat equally. If only one does, he/she performs better, but is doing so illegally. If both do it, they are more likely to get caught and arrested, but are still performing somewhat equally.
    If you are a professor, how would you make sure that everyone in a group project works hard and no one free-rides?
    I would inform the class of a strict group-evaluation policy. I would distribute grades based on the grade the got on the assignment and how well they were rated on the group evaluations.

  • Any examples of public goods? (other than what we discussed in-class – defense, fresh air, public park, police, fire dept.)

    more examples of public goods can be a lighthouse, radio, television, clean air, pollution abatement, water, rivers, a high way system, a mass- transit system, an school system, a bridge, an airport, public swimming pool, police protection, national defense, books, information and etc.

  • If you are a professor, how would you make sure that everyone in a group project works hard and no one free-rides?

    If i was a professor, then i would make sure that i divide the group project in equal parts. for example, if the group has four members than i will divide the project in fours parts which will make the group members each part for each group members, that way all the members are doing their own parts and there will be no free riders.

  • There is only one person at IVK who knows how the internal IT prices are calculated. What would be the risks? How could he/she abuse the system?
    If that person is fired/dies, who would take over if he/she cant teach them? This person could easily fudge the numbers without anyone knowing, since they are the only one who knows how it is calculated.

    Any examples of Prisoner’s Dilemma (other than what we discussed in class)?
    2 competing firms selling similar products that realize one lowering prices, the other has to follow, which would leave them both with less profit than if they just kept prices high.