MIS 3534 – Prof. Min-Seok Pang

Monthly Archives: November 2016

In-class discussion questions – Week 13 (Dec 5)

  • What is a jobless recovery?
  • What are the causes of a jobless recovery?
  • What kind of jobs are increasingly being replaced by computers and robots?
  • What kind of jobs are increasingly being outsourced abroad?
  • What kind of jobs will be neither replaced by technologies nor outsourced abroad in the next 30 years?
  • What kind of skills do these jobs require?
  • What does it take for you to survive challenges in the job market?
  • In a job interview, how would you answer this question – “Why should we hire you?”
  • If the interviewer asks what you’ve learned in MIS 3534, what would you say?
  • What would it take to be a great CIO like Mr. Barton?
  • What should be your competitive advantages as an MIS major that differentiate yourself from other majors?
  • What should be your core competencies?

We will play a two-sided platform game on Nov 28

Tomorrow (Nov 28), we will play a two-sided platform game, which is going to be with a lot of fun. Each of you will become a platform business operator (e.g. Uber, Airbnb) and compete with each other to attract more customers and make more profits!

Please bring a laptop tomorrow, and make sure to complete registration before the class at http://www.tradewindbusiness.com/. It’s free!

In registration, you can either create a new account or use your own Google/Facebook/Twitter account. After registration and login, go to “Class list”


and use this class code to join in MIS 3534 class. – EAD1-1F94-7DBD-9C25

Please complete this registration before 5:30pm, Nov 28.

Executive Report #3 Topic #2 – References

In-class discussion questions – Week 12 (Nov 28)

  • Why have Airbnb or Uber been growing so fast?
  • Without potential guests, hosts would not list their apartments at Airbnb. Without apartments listed, guests would not try Airbnb. How did Airbnb solve this problem?
  • Why is there a “Girls Free Night” at a night club?
  • What happened to EJ, an Airbnb host?
  • What would happen if Airbnb did nothing in response to EJ’s incident?
  • What are the policies in Uber to manage the pool of drivers?

Week 11 – IT-Driven Competitive Strategies (I) – class slides and videos

Week 11 – Strategy (color).pdf

Week 11 – Strategy (bw).pdf

Adam Nash from Wealthfront – CNBC (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0ylo1114vc)

eChoupal – YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RH8Xl1C8eE)

FreshDirect – Business Insider (http://www.businessinsider.com/jason-ackerman-on-freshdirect-growth-2013-10)

Historic Blockbuster – Onion News (http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5o4oo_historic-blockbuster_news)

Jeff Bezos Interview – The Daily Show (http://thedailyshow.cc.com/videos/baettl/jeff-bezos)

Online discussion questions – Nov 14

  • How does Uber’s pricing work? How different is it from pricing of traditional taxicabs?
  • What would be reasons for city governments to ban AirBnb or Uber? How would you counter them?
  • What would be reasons for online education to be valuable to education providers or students?
  • Why are technologies of FreshDirect sophisticated and state-of-the-art?

In-class discussion questions – Week 11 (Nov 14)

  • What is eChoupal? With eChoupal, what is ITC trying to accomplish?
  • How did the old supply chain of soybean work?  Who are the losers and the winners?
  • What are the “choke points” in the old supply chain of soybean?
  • What are the benefits of eChoupal to farmers?
  • What is the other information from eChoupal to farmers?
  • Is ITC a charity? Why is it concerned about farmers’ lives and well-being?
  • What bottleneck do Amazon.com and Netflix eliminate?
  • How do FreshDirect, Uber, Airbnb, and Khan Academy disrupt the existing industries by address which bottlenecks?

Online discussion questions – Nov 7

  • In IT Adventures Ch. 10, why did Mr. Wells, IVK’s legal counsel, request to “pull the plug”?
  • What would have happened if Mr. Barton pulled the plug at the request of Mr. Wells?
  • What would be the worst possible ramifications from the incidents in Ch. 10?
  • How would you explain “set up parallel systems built from development files, then switch over the those” to your non-IT boss?
  • What are the reasons for IVK to disclose the security incidents? What would be the reasons not to disclose?
  • From IT Adventures Ch. 17, What is Mr. Williams’ point with respect to his poker analogy? What is Mr. Barton’s point with respect to his risk escalator analogy?