MIS 3534 – Prof. Min-Seok Pang

Online discussion questions – Nov 7

  • In IT Adventures Ch. 10, why did Mr. Wells, IVK’s legal counsel, request to “pull the plug”?
  • What would have happened if Mr. Barton pulled the plug at the request of Mr. Wells?
  • What would be the worst possible ramifications from the incidents in Ch. 10?
  • How would you explain “set up parallel systems built from development files, then switch over the those” to your non-IT boss?
  • What are the reasons for IVK to disclose the security incidents? What would be the reasons not to disclose?
  • From IT Adventures Ch. 17, What is Mr. Williams’ point with respect to his poker analogy? What is Mr. Barton’s point with respect to his risk escalator analogy?

9 Responses to Online discussion questions – Nov 7

  • I would explain “set up parallel systems built from development files, then switch over the those” to my boss by explaining that this would be basically recreating a copy of our current system but without the intrusion. We could then use this system safely while we figure out what went wrong in the first place.

    IVK should disclose it’s security incidents because customers have a right to know about what has happened with their information. If it comes out that IVK failed to inform it’s customers that there was a breach people will not trust them anymore. On the other hand, if IVK discloses information about the breach it will pretty much force them to shut down a lot of their operations which will cause a large loss in revenue as well as a loss of customers.

  • -Mr. Wells requested pulling the plug so IVK could reduce their legal liability and reduced their cost illegaly. If the attack had been from hackers trying to steal their customer data then they would face very serious legal consequences such as customer lawsuits, shareholder lawsuits, and government penalties which will cost them lost a lot of money . If they had shut down their systems they could prevent any further damage until they knew for sure what had occurred.

    -If Mr. Barton had pulled the plug at the request of Mr. Wells, all of IVK operations would be shut down until the system could be rebuilt which can cost IVK lost a lot of money and lost competiton with other competiors. Moreover, the shutdown also would’ve been long enough to be noticeable enough from outside IVK that is would need to be explained and how to fix the issue and how to prevent it.

  • – Mr. Wells requested to pull the plug because the firm was under attack from a DoS yet they did not know the magnitude of this threat. This would have essentially shut down the systems so that the company could assure that there was no further threat of a security issue, such as information being stolen.
    – The reasons why IVK should disclose the security incident was because there was a press conference that day, and to have the analysts know that the companies system was down yet not have a reason for it would have represented an irresponsibility on IVK’s part. Shareholders would not have been happy to hear that IVK was not in control or didn’t even know about the security threat at its firm. The reason why IVK shouldn’t have disclosed the information is because their is a liability held against there firm for the responsibility of people’s identity and information. If IVK was wrong about or did not contain the security problem at the firm, they could have opened themselves up to some pretty hefty law suits.

  • In IT Adventures Ch. 10, why did Mr. Wells, IVK’s legal counsel, request to “pull the plug”?
    Mr. Wells request to “pull the plug” because he thinks if this is a security incident, IVK will involve into legal implications such as customer lawsuits, shareholder lawsuits, government penalties. Therefore, it is essential to shut down the system to prevent customer database from being stolen.
    What would have happened if Mr. Barton pulled the plug at the request of Mr. Wells?
    If Mr. Barton pulled the plug at the request of Mr. Wells, Mr. Barton will need to explain why IVK shuts down the whole company operation in the meeting with Wall Street analysts. He has no excuses to cover up security risks for IVK. This will cause IVK’s stock price go down immediately. Furthermore, by shutting down the operation, IVK will lost a lot of revenue from stopping services and IVK needs to carefully explain the reason it closes down service to its customers.

  • • What are the reasons for IVK to disclose the security incidents? What would be the reasons not to disclose?

    The possible reason for IVK to disclose the security incidents will be legal factors, IVK’s customers has the right to know if their information is expose to the risk.

    The possible reason for not to disclose will be the concern of stock price and effect to the company’s reputation.

  • In IT Adventures Ch. 10, why did Mr. Wells, IVK’s legal counsel, request to “pull the plug”?

    Wells knew that if there was a security leak and customer information got stolen, IVK would need to be able to show the press, its stakeholders, and the public that it did all it could to mitigate the damage and protect its customers.

    What would have happened if Mr. Barton pulled the plug at the request of Mr. Wells?

    Had Barton shut off all the necessary systems, IVK’s business would freeze and they would have to come forward to the media about the potential problem. If there was a security breach and the public discovers it, IVK would be in a better position by “pulling the plug.” But if the worst case scenario hadn’t occured, IVK could still be destroying itself for no reason.

  • How would you explain “set up parallel systems built from development files, then switch over the those” to your non-IT boss?
    Setting up a parallel systems is working the same time as the original IT infrastructure to work at the same time. At the same time if the IT infrastructure fails, we are to rely on the parallel system that we will building.

    What are the reasons for IVK to disclose the security incidents? What would be the reasons not to disclose?
    Reason to disclose the idea:
    admitting to consumer that this happened so that they can increase the security of the system.
    Reason not to disclose the idea:
    we shouldn’t risk losing all the consumer to due to a security breach.

  • Mr Wells requested to pull the plug because he knew the security leak will lead to legal consequences, damage on the companies image, and loss of customer data.

    If Mr. Barton pulled the plug as it was requested. IVK’s system would have been down and cost the company money and customers. It will also take IVK time to bring the system back up and provide the required security.

  • IVK should report security incidents to its customers since they are at a risk of their private and confidential being compromised as a result of the breach. Customers can also sue IVK for a large amount if they realize that such information was hidden from them. However, IVK does not want to spread the information to consumers yet since they fear it is going to affect their stock prices. They want to be aware of the exact problem first before causing a public outrage.