MIS 3534 – Prof. Min-Seok Pang

Online discussion questions – Oct 31

  • In what ways can a relationship between a parent and a tutor go sour? How can a contract prevent or resolve it?
  • What are the other examples of “incentive salaries” for restaurant servers?
  • How would you explain the difference between a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack and an intrusion to a non-IT boss or colleagues?
  • If an intrusion was indeed occurred and it was the intruder who changed the database index file, why would he/she have done it?

14 Responses to Online discussion questions – Oct 31

  • In what ways can a relationship between a parent and a tutor go sour? How can a contract prevent or resolve it?

    Tutor might be not able to meet a parent’s expectations which will upset the parent. Parent might not pay the tutor or ask for a refund. Tutor and parent can make a contract which will have information about what could happen if tutor does not meet a parent’s expectations.

  • I would explain that a DDoS attack is when a large number of fake connections try to access the server in order to make it unavailable for everyone else. On the other hand, an intrusion is when someone gets inside of the server itself and can access private information on it or make damaging changes.

    A potential intruder might rename the database index file in order to confuse the system which would cause it to go offline.

  • In what ways can a relationship between a parent and a tutor go sour? How can a contract prevent or resolve it?
    Tutor might not be productive and succeed in tutoring. The tutor might not show up to all the sessions he is required to attend. The parent might not pay the tutor the correct amount of money. A contract can resolve these issues as it sets all the limitations on paper.

    What are the other examples of “incentive salaries” for restaurant servers?
    Restaurant server are paid a low salary wage and most of their income comes from tips. They work on incentive salaries where the better they perform the more tip they could get.

  • If there was in fact, an intruder who changed the database index files, he/she probably did it because they wanted to get access to penetrate the system without compromising IT resources. It could have been someone who works for IVK or a business partner or even customers. IT could also be someone from the outside such as someone on the Internet.

  • In what ways can a relationship between a parent and a tutor go sour? How can a contract prevent or resolve it?
    Tutor might beat the children due to the children fail to cooperation. The contract should mention that if the children does not want to cooperate with tutor, parent should be responsible for adjusting children’s attitude.
    What are the other examples of “incentive salaries” for restaurant servers?
    I think another examples of “incentive salaries” for restaurant servers are providing free lunch and diner for the employees and providing free living place due to transportation or location problem.

  • In what ways can a relationship between a parent and a tutor go sour? How can a contract prevent or resolve it?
    – A relationship between a parent and a tutor can go bad if the expectations are not met. For example, the parent is expecting their child to achieve a score of 90 on an exam with the help of a tutor. Instead, the child achieved a score of 65. While this is not necessarily the tutor’s fault, the child can be the main reason why he/she did poorly on the exam. A contract can prevent or resolve issues by stating the requirements. This will let both parties understand what is expected once they sign this agreement.

  • • In what ways can a relationship between a parent and a tutor go sour? How can a contract prevent or resolve it?

    When the tutor does not meet the parent’s expectation, such as the grade of the child is not achieving to the parent’s expecting level; or when the tutor could not perform the duty as a tutor (i.e. sick, late, unexcused absent), the relationship between a parent and a tutor go sour. A contract can resolve it because both parties can state the expectation and penalties in a legal document, in this case, a contract.

    • If an intrusion was indeed occurred and it was the intruder who changed the database index file, why would he/she have done it?

    If an intrusion was indeed occurred to IVK, he/she could be the insiders (an employee) or an outsider (hackers). They have done it could be possibly the competitor of IVK bribe the insider or hire hackers to damage the business process of IVK, and even the reputation of IVK. So that the competitor could take over IVK’s business/ market share in long term.

  • A relationship between a parent and tutor can go sour from the lack of trust in each other. The parent can accuse the tutor of not improving the child’s grade, but the tutor can blame the child for not doing the work. The contract can work out the requirements and expectations for both sides.

    The incentive salary for restaurant servers is that they are paid low and their main source of income is from receiving tips. These tips allow the servers to perform in order to get higher tips.

  • How would you explain the difference between a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack and an intrusion to a non-IT boss or colleagues?

    A DDoS attack can come from the outside and does not indicate that the attacker actually has access to the system. An insider intruding on IT on company information can only be found if the necessary controls exist in the internal systems to monitor a user activities through an audit. If not, a bad actor within a company could cause incredible damage.

    If an intrusion was indeed occurred and it was the intruder who changed the database index file, why would he/she have done it?

    I could have been done as a prank. If an intruder did access the database and planned on stealing customer data for profit, it would be in the persons best interest not to leave a trail.

  • In what ways can a relationship between a parent and a tutor go sour? How can a contract prevent or resolve it?
    – That relationship can go sour when the definition of tutor is different from the tutor and the parent. The parent might define it as the student getting a good grade that will prove the tutor did a great job. The tutor might define it as being there for the student and not paying attention if the student actually understand the information. Having a contract that states the expectation of the way the tutor should deliver success. so that we can avoid/ prevent the relationship from going sour.

    What are the other examples of “incentive salaries” for restaurant servers?
    The incentive to giving good services because they do want to get tipped from the consumers.

  • The relationship between a parent and a tutor can go sour if the student does not improve his or her grades as much as the parent would like.The parent is likely hiring a tutor to see an improvement in the child’s grades. If the student’s grades do not improve, the parent will blame the tutor. A contract can prevent this issue, because it gives the opportunity for the parent to communicate what he or she expects from the tutor. If the tutor thinks the expectations are unreasonable then he or she does not have to accept the contract.
    An example of an incentive salary for a restaurant worker in addition to tips is to give bonuses to workers who do not call in sick or miss any days. This would give incentive for workers to show up to work as much as possible and prevent a situation where the restaurant is understaffed.

  • In what ways can a relationship between a parent and a tutor go sour? How can a contract prevent or resolve it?

    A relationship between a parent and a tutor could go sour if the tutor does not teach the child up to the parent’s expectations. In other words, if a parent hires a tutor to help his or her child to get an A, and the child earns a C, the parent will question the tutor’s teaching abilities. A contract can prevent or resolve parent/tutor issues by establishing expectations in the beginning. Each party will clearly be shown what is expected, and if there are any discrepancies, they can refer back to the contract.

  • In what ways can a relationship between a parent and a tutor go sour? How can a contract prevent or resolve it?
    Many things can lead to a sour relationship with parent and tutor. For example; no improvement on grades, not making appointments/being on time, arguments, etc. A contract can set parameters in advance in order to have solutions in place to face these dilemmas. A pay-for-grade incentive program, for example, could be drawn up to ensure the tutor works hard to improve the students grade. The better he/she does, the more you are paid. Also, have it set in writing where more than 2 missed appointments = termination. Having rules and guidelines set beforehand is a way to avoid ruined relationships.

    If an intrusion was indeed occurred and it was the intruder who changed the database index file, why would he/she have done it?
    It could be done as a prank, either playful or harmful. Also, it could have been done by a past employee who has negative feelings towards the company for the way their relationship ended, Also, it could have even been someone who just wanted to cause havoc and mess with IVK. Motives are often difficult to figure out.

  • A relationship between tutor and parent can go sour if the tutor constantly shows up late and if the kid did not do well in school. A contract can resolve this by setting rules and expectations that should be met or the parent may terminate the tutor and find a different one that will meet their expectations.