MIS 3534 – Prof. Min-Seok Pang

Monthly Archives: January 2015

Online discussion questions – Jan 26

  • What’s your core competency?  Do you have something that you can do better than anyone else?
  • What is the core competency of a company that you know? Is it valuable and inimitable?
  • In an industry you are familiar with, which company is playing in Cost Leadership strategy? Who’s in Differentiation? Who’s in Focused?

In-class discussion questions for Jan 26

We will discuss these questions in-class on Mon, Jan 26. Do not post comments on this.

  • When you’re travelling, how do you choose your hotel to stay? What kind of amenities or perks do you value the most?
  • What’s your Core Competency? Do you have something that you can do better than anyone else?
  • What would be the core competency of Otis? Is it valuable? Is it imitable by competitors?
  • How can Wyndham successfully compete with such giants as Hilton or Marriott and generate sustainable profit streams?
  • Where is Wyndham competing? What kind of customers is it targeting?
  • At which area did Wyndham choose to excel?

Online discussion questions – Jan 23

  • In Otis case page 8, “Traditionally we had focused on the management of physical assets. The next step in our evolution will be the management of information flows between all the participants …” What does it mean by “information management” and why is this important?
  • Would the changes with e*Logistics be easy? Who would be unhappy with this change? How do you think Otis managed and overcame these challenges?
  • In Otis case page 8, “To achieve continuous transformation, the e*Logistics program makes sure the business process change sticks. … With the e*Logistics program, best practices from SIP are baked into the organization and institutionalized…” What does it mean by “sticks” and “baked”?

Interesting challenges CIO’s are facing with Obama’s Cyber Security Plan


Hey everyone,

I found this article from The Wall Street Journal that really gives you a good view into the daily  decisions  of some CIO’s. I myself am not a huge fan of ISACs. I believe my information given to a specific company should be cleared with me before sharing with the government, or anyone else for that matter. From a CIO’s perspective the sharing of customer information may be beneficial to the company and its partners, but could also turn into a huge liability. As you will see in the article. Let me know your thoughts are towards the article and the matter at hand. Hope you enjoy!

In-class discussion questions for Jan 23

We will discuss these questions in-class on Fri, Jan 23. Do not post comments on this.

  • For a new elevator to be produced and installed at a new building, what steps is Otis taking? Who are involved in this process?
  • What were the problems before e*Logistics in Otis’ business processes?
  • How does e*Logistics address these problems and what are the improvement achieved by it?
  • Who would be unhappy with the changes in the business processes caused by e*Logistics?
  • How do you think Otis managed and overcame these challenges? Who do you think played a key role?

Week 3 – Wyndham International Case Brief Guideline

Next week, in reading Wyndham case, focus on the three following points.

  • At which area does Wyndham choose to excel and how?
  • How does the ByRequest program support this goal?
  • How is ByRequest different from other guest-royalty or frequent mileage programs?

It might be hard to understand “Wyndham’s Background” and “The Lodging Industry” section (page 2-5). It’s okay not to include these part in your brief, but be sure to read them before the class.

In-class discussion questions for Jan 21

  • According to the Otis case, which business is more profitable? Elevator manufacturing or service? Why?
  • In the Otis case, “The service market attracted many participants because of its steady demand, low barriers of entry, and high profitability.” (p. 3) Doesn’t it mean that the service market is not profitable for Otis?
  • How often do you change your doctor? Why?
  • Will Otis customers (building owners or managers) change an elevator service company often? Why or why not?
  • Can you think of an example of bundle around us? Why do firms sell a bundle?
  • Why would bundling up an elevator (product) and maintenance services together (i.e. total solutions) be more profitable than selling an elevator and services individually?
  • How were things going before OTISLINE? How now are things going after OTISLINE?
  • What are the improvements in customer service from OTISLINE?

We will discuss these questions in-class on Wed, Jan 21. Do not post comments on this.