MIS 3534 – Prof. Min-Seok Pang

Monthly Archives: February 2015

Week 7 – IT Governance – class slides and videos

Week 07 – IT Governance (color).pdf

Week 07 – IT Governance (bw).pdf

Groupon CEO Fired – SiliconAngle (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KK0skph_2Wc)

How Lehman Brothers Bank Collapsed – Sky News (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOcRqAJFyzI)

How Target Blew It – BusinessWeek (http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2014-03-13/target-missed-alarms-in-epic-hack-of-credit-card-data)

Obama Administration Knew About Healthcare.gov Delay – Huffington Post (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/19/obamacare-report_n_4299919.html)

Bring reading materials to the class on Wed, Feb 25

Please bring a copy of these reading materials this Wednesday. I will give minutes to read them.

Online discussion questions – Feb 23

  • Any real-life example where senior management in a business firm does not work for the interest of the shareholders?
  • Any real-life example of IT failures due to management problems, rather than technical problems? (other than Target and Healthcare.gov)
  • Mr. Barton was the last presenter at the board meeting. What does it tell to the senior management team at IVK?

In-class discussion questions for Feb 25

We will discuss these questions in-class on Wed Feb 25. Do not post comments on this.

  • Why would an IT manager say no to the request of Marketing to upload the customer data to the consulting firm’s server?
  • At a company where everyone uses Blackberry, why would an IT manager deny the request to allow to use iPhone for work?
  • What can business managers do in this situation?
  • What would happen if IT says no to business every time?
  • What would happen if IT says yes to business every time?
  • Mr. Barton says “Big companies needed more coordination, more management systems, and more controls…” (p. 142) What kind of control is he talking about?
  • Why does Mr. Barton want the business units to take part of the responsibilities?

In-class discussion questions for Feb 23

We will discuss these questions in-class on Mon, Feb 23. Do not post comments on this.

  • Who are a board of directors in a corporation? What are their responsibilities?
  • Why do business firms need a board of directors?
  • What does it mean by “Separation of Governance and Management”?
  • What would happen if a CIO or IT managers receive no adult supervision or control? What if he can handle IT in any way he wants?
  • Why does Mr. Barton make a presentation in front of IVK Board of Directors? What is the objective of Mr. Barton?
  • Mr. Barton was the last presenter at the board meeting. What does it tell to the CEO and other executives?