MIS 3534 – Prof. Min-Seok Pang

In-class discussion questions for Mar 27

We will discuss these questions on Fri, Mar 27. Do not pose comments on this.

  • What would be the reasons for Ericsson or IBM not to go into the new outsourcing deal?
  • What would be the reasons that they must sign the deal with Bharti?
  • According to the proposed contracts, Bharti’s engineers will become the vendors’ employees. Will this work?
  • What could go wrong in this long-term outsourcing relationship from the perspective of Bharti?
  • What could go wrong in this long-term outsourcing relationship from the perspective of Ericsson or IBM?
  • What does it mean by “You will become their slaves.” (p. 9)
  • What are the difference between “hard-line” (or “real-teeth”) and “soft-cooperation” in IT Adventures Ch 14?

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