MIS 3534 – Prof. Min-Seok Pang

Monthly Archives: March 2015

In-class discussion questions for Apr 1

We will discuss these questions on Wed, Apr 1. Do not pose comments on this.

  • Why can’t IVK figure out whether an intrusion occurred or something else happened?
  • What is the “rush-a-change-into-production” thing? (p. 166)
  • For Cho to find evidence of an intrusion, what does he need?
  • What would be the ramifications of this crash? (Imagine the worst.)
  • Why did Mr. Wells, IVK VP of Legal, demand to pull the plugs?
  • How would you explain “wipe production servers clean, and rebuild the production configuration” (p. 170) to Mr. Williams?

Online discussion questions – Mar 27

  • How can we define service levels of a tutor? (The service levels must be observable and verifiable.)
  • Why is there a risk to Bharti of losing innovation or competitiveness?
  • Why would it be difficult for the vendors to take over Bharti’s employees in network operations and IT?
  • Would Bharti’s employees in network operations and IT prefer working for Ericsson or IBM or prefer continuing to work for Bharti?
  • From “One Year Later” case, what are other changes in the proposed outsourcing contracts?

In-class discussion questions for Mar 30

We will discuss these questions on Mon, Mar 30. Do not pose comments on this.

  • If you were Mr. Barton, how would you explain the situation in Chapter 10 to your CEO, Mr. Carl Williams, in English?
  • If you were Mr. Barton, how would you explain the situation in Chapter 10 to Wall Street analysts you’re scheduled to meet today?
  • Did an attacker or attackers intrude inside of IVK’s systems?
  • How would you explain the difference between a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack and an intrusion?
  • How would you explain “transaction is jammed up” or “the database is corrupted” (p. 164-165)?
  • What does it mean by “Apparently a database index file had been somehow renamed, and another substituted in its place”? (p. 167)
  • Why can’t IVK figure out whether an intrusion occurred or something else happened?

Online discussion questions – Mar 25

  • What constitutes “transaction costs” in capital expenditures?
  • What “opportunity costs” would Barti pay in case of over-investment in network capacity?
  • What would be the reasons for Bharti’s CEO or board of directors not to approve the new outsourcing deal?
  • What would be the reasons that Bharti’s vendors must sign the deal with Bharti? Are they afford to lose Bharti?

In-class discussion questions for Mar 27

We will discuss these questions on Fri, Mar 27. Do not pose comments on this.

  • What would be the reasons for Ericsson or IBM not to go into the new outsourcing deal?
  • What would be the reasons that they must sign the deal with Bharti?
  • According to the proposed contracts, Bharti’s engineers will become the vendors’ employees. Will this work?
  • What could go wrong in this long-term outsourcing relationship from the perspective of Bharti?
  • What could go wrong in this long-term outsourcing relationship from the perspective of Ericsson or IBM?
  • What does it mean by “You will become their slaves.” (p. 9)
  • What are the difference between “hard-line” (or “real-teeth”) and “soft-cooperation” in IT Adventures Ch 14?