MIS 3534 – Prof. Min-Seok Pang

In-class discussion questions for Apr 10

We will discuss these questions on Fri, Apr 10. Do not pose comments on this.

  • How could manage to recover from its network collapse so fast (in jCareGroup ust 3 and ½ days) with no fatality?
  • In what respect did CareGroup do a better job than IVK did in managing the crisis?
  • What were the decisive, crucial decisions that Mr. Halamka, CIO, had made in the midst of the crisis?
  • How would you evaluate the 10 lessons learned?
  • The 10 lessons learned mostly center around the network. Are there any other IT resources that warrant similar attention, control, and management for a company to prevent a collapse?
  • What kind of a disaster situation can we think of at a data center? What should be among the preventative measures for a data center failure?
  • What kind of a disaster situation can we think of at a database? What should be among the preventative measures for a database failure?

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