MIS 3534 – Prof. Min-Seok Pang

In-Class Discussion Questions

In-class discussion questions for Mar 9

We will discuss these questions in-class on Mon, Mar 23. Do not post comments on this.

  • What kind of standards do we enjoy in our daily life?
  • Why do many European nations use Euro as a common currency?
  • Why do the U.K. and some others refuse to adopt Euro?
  • What are the benefits from a standard?
  • What would be the costs in having a standard? By having a standard, we are losing what?
  • Why does the U.S. refuse to adopt the Metric System?
  • Why do states adopt E-Zpass for a common standard payment system?

In-class discussion questions for Feb 25

We will discuss these questions in-class on Wed Feb 25. Do not post comments on this.

  • Why would an IT manager say no to the request of Marketing to upload the customer data to the consulting firm’s server?
  • At a company where everyone uses Blackberry, why would an IT manager deny the request to allow to use iPhone for work?
  • What can business managers do in this situation?
  • What would happen if IT says no to business every time?
  • What would happen if IT says yes to business every time?
  • Mr. Barton says “Big companies needed more coordination, more management systems, and more controls…” (p. 142) What kind of control is he talking about?
  • Why does Mr. Barton want the business units to take part of the responsibilities?

In-class discussion questions for Feb 23

We will discuss these questions in-class on Mon, Feb 23. Do not post comments on this.

  • Who are a board of directors in a corporation? What are their responsibilities?
  • Why do business firms need a board of directors?
  • What does it mean by “Separation of Governance and Management”?
  • What would happen if a CIO or IT managers receive no adult supervision or control? What if he can handle IT in any way he wants?
  • Why does Mr. Barton make a presentation in front of IVK Board of Directors? What is the objective of Mr. Barton?
  • Mr. Barton was the last presenter at the board meeting. What does it tell to the CEO and other executives?

In-class discussion questions for Feb 20

We will discuss these questions in-class on Fri, Feb 20. Do not post comments on this.

  • What’s the consideration and decision of Mr. Barton in terms of IT budget funding and controls? What’s his rationale?
  • If he controls the entire budget, will all the problems go away?
  • What does Maggie, Mr. Barton’s girlfriend/consultant, mean by “one neck in the noose”?
  • Suppose that you pay income tax and can live in any house you want for free! (Your government provides housing for you.) What would happen?
  • What should be “private goods” in IVK’s IT system? Who should pay for them?

In-class discussion questions for Feb 18

We will discuss these questions in-class on Wed, Feb 18. Do not post comments on this.

  • Why do they free-ride in a group project?
  • If you are asked to donate to a fire department instead of paying taxes for it, how much are you willing to donate?
  • How about others? How much will your neighbors contribute?
  • Any example of public goods?
  • What is Prisoner’s Dilemma?
  • What’s the consideration and decision of Mr. Barton in terms of IT budget funding and controls? What’s his rationale?
  • What does Maggie, Mr. Barton’s girlfriend/consultant, mean by “one neck in the noose”?

In-class discussion questions for Feb 16

We will discuss these questions in-class on Mon, Feb 16. Do not post comments on this.

  • Which government spending do you want to cut – military, education, highway?
  • Is there a reason not to cut military spending? Is there a reason not to cut education?
  • Who controls the IT budget at IVK?
  • On what basis do the business units at IVK pay for IT?
  • Why had Mr. Davies, the former CIO, had to set up “slush funds”? How did he secure the slash funds?
  • The slush fund is technically what? from accounting standpoint?
  • Why is Mr. John Cho requesting an immediate funding on IT security?
  • Why has the request for IT security funding kept being denied?

In-class discussion questions for Feb 11

We will discuss these questions in-class on Wed, Feb 11. Do not post comments on this.

  • When would you buy your own home instead of renting? What are the advantages and disadvantages of buying a house?
  • What is a cloud computing?
  • Why did we just discuss about buying vs. renting?
  • When does it make sense to go to cloud?
  • Why would a company like to use IaaS such as Amazon Web Services? Why would be the reasons not to use IaaS?
  • Is Open Source Software really free?
  • Will the quality of OSS be better than proprietary software?
  • Which is more secure – open-source or proprietary software?

In-class discussion questions for Feb 9

We will discuss these questions in-class on Mon, Feb 9. Do not post comments on this.

  • Why does an IT system need maintenance? It does not become rusty!
  • On Page 58 of the textbook, it reads “we’ve run closer to 5 to 6 percent of sales on IT spending. Which, by the way, Davies thought wasn’t enough to keep IT assets from degrading over time..” Why does Mr. Davies mean by degrading?
  • If it needs to spend money in maintaining IT systems, how much does a company need to spend on it?
  • What happens with too little spending in maintenance? What happens with too much?
  • Spending in IT maintenance should depend on what?

In-class discussion questions for Feb 6

We will discuss these questions in-class on Fri, Feb 6. Do not post comments on this.

  • What is your recommendation for SAFE Project at SFO? Go or no go?
  • How certain are you? Are you certain that everything will pan out as predicted?
  • Which assumption or prediction is most sensitive (critical)?
  • What are the problems with the ROI analysis we just did? What does this fail to account for?
  • What are the intangible (hard-to-quantify) costs? What are the unexpected costs that we need to be mindful?
  • What are the intangible (hard-to-quantify) benefits?
  • How would you quantify benefits from increased compliance? Based on what?
  • How would you quantify benefits from reduced security risks?
  • What would be the intangible (hard-to-quantify) benefits from OTISLINE? How to categorize them?

In-class discussion questions for Feb 2

We will discuss these questions in-class on Mon, Feb 2. Do not post comments on this.

  • How can we justify a large amount of investments in e*Logistics or ByRequest?
  • Why is security a concern at an airport?
  • Which individuals should an airport manage for security?
  • Which information does a security system have to maintain? Which process does the security system have to handle?
  • What are the risks from the current manual, inefficient processes in managing airport employee credentials?
  • What could be the WORST-CASE scenarios?