MIS 3534 – Prof. Min-Seok Pang


Update syllabus with a NEW SCHEDULE

Please find the attached syllabus that is updated with a new schedule for the rest of the semester.

MIS 3534 Spring 2015 – Syllabus (03.10.2015).pdf

Important Dates

  • Wed, Mar 11 – Due date for ROI Homework #1
  • Wed, Mar 18 – Due date for Executive Report #2 draft
  • Wed, Mar 25 – Due date for Executive Report #2 final
  • Mon, Apr 13 – Due date for ROI Homework #2
  • Fri, Apr 24 – Due date for Executive Report #3 draft
  • Fri, May 1 – Due date for Executive Report #3 final

One required reading for a brief is added for Week 14, but I will drop one more grade for the final grade. In other words, I will drop the three lowest scores in reading briefs.