MIS 3534 – Prof. Min-Seok Pang

Week 13 – IT-Driven Competitive Strategy

Online discussion questions – Apr 20

  • How does Uber’s pricing work? How different is it from pricing of traditional taxicabs?
  • What would be reasons for city governments to ban AirBnb or Uber? How would you counter them?
  • What would be reasons for online education to be valuable to education providers or students?
  • Why are technologies of FreshDirect sophisticated and state-of-the-art?

Online discussion questions – Apr 17

  • What were the roles of Samyojak (former CAs at Mandis) in eChoupal?
  • Why did ITC allow farmers to continue doing business with CAs at Mandis as they used to, even if it could ban the farmers from doing so?
  • Do you think ITC’s competitive advantages from eChoupal can be sustainable? Why or why not?
  • Any other examples, in which a new entrant with IT disrupts the existing industry by eliminating “choke points” or market inefficiency?

Week 13 – IT-Driven Competitive Strategies – class slides and videos (UPDATED)

Week 13 – Strategy (color).pdf

Week 13 – Strategy (bw).pdf

eChoupal – YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RH8Xl1C8eE)

Historic Blockbuster – Onion News (http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5o4oo_historic-blockbuster_news)

Jeff Bezos Interview – The Daily Show (http://thedailyshow.cc.com/videos/baettl/jeff-bezos)

FreshDirect – Business Insider (http://www.businessinsider.com/jason-ackerman-on-freshdirect-growth-2013-10)

How to Airbnb – Airbnb (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaOFuW011G8)

Salman Kahn – TED Talks (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTFEUsudhfs)

Uber – YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mq1HV2v3qZw)

Online discussion questions – Apr 15

  • Any other example in which middlemen such as CAs in Mandis create inefficiency in an industry?
  • What did ITC do in order to overcome regulatory challenges in implementing eChoupal?
  • While eChoupal seems to be beneficial to farmers, they are not well-versed in using PCs and the Internet. How does ITC help them adopt eChoupal?
  • Before accepting a job offer, what kind of research do you have to do?

In-class discussion questions for Apr 17

We will discuss these questions on Fri, Apr 17. Do not pose comments on this.

  • With eChoupal, who are the losers?  How did ITC embrace them as part of the system?
  • Do you think if the farmers initially liked eChoupal?
  • What have made this change successful?
  • How could ITC achieve competitive advantages from eChoupal?
  • Could ITC’s competitors copy this innovation quickly?
  • What choke points have Amazon.com and Netflix eliminated?

In-class discussion questions for Apr 15

We will discuss these questions on Wed, Apr 15. Do not post comments on this.

  • What is eChoupal? With eChoupal, what is ITC trying to accomplish?
  • How did the old supply chain of soybean work?  Who are the losers and the winners?
  • What are the “choke points” in the old supply chain of soybean?
  • What are the benefits of eChoupal to farmers?
  • What is the other information from eChoupal to farmers?
  • Is ITC a charity? Why is it concerned about farmers’ lives and well-being?

Week 13 – ITC eChoupal Case – Brief Guidelines

Due by Wednesday, April 15, 10AM

  • Why was the supply chain for soybean so inefficient and how does eChoupal change it?
  • What kind of information does eChoupal provide to farmers?
  • What are the benefits of eChoupal to farmers and ITC?

Your brief may not cover page 11-16, but please DO NOT SKIP to read them.