Supply Chains – at Internet Speed

Q&A: Sourcing

What factors can the factory use to assess supplier performance? Elaborate each in 1-2 lines.

10 Responses to Q&A: Sourcing

  • Some factors the factory can use to assess supplier performance are:
    -Replenishment lead time (demand might be 10,000-15,000, order 10,000 from fair away supplier and 5,000 from near supplier)
    -On-time performance (is the supplier getting things to the factory on time?)
    -Supply flexibility (will they allow you to change the order or not?)
    -Supply quantity (is the supplier meeting demand?)
    -Pricing terms (how much credit do they give you? What are the terms?)

  • Several factors can be used by the factory to assess supplier performance. Below are a few factors to be considered.
    – Replenish lead time- How long does a given supplier take to deliver goods from the time order until the order is received.
    – Demand Frequency/minimum lot size – How often can orders be made? Will trucks deliver half full or do they have to be full for delivery.
    – Pricing terms – What are the credit terms? Some suppliers give longer credit terms than others.
    – Information Coordination Capability – Is our information compatible with the suppliers?

  • Some factors that factories can use to evaluate supplier performance include:
    1. Replenish lead time – how long will it take to receive the next order
    2. Pricing Terms – terms on how much is due and when, as well as how much credit is being offered
    3. On-Time Performance – are orders delivered when you need them

  • Pricing Agreements – A factory will not agree to contract with a supplier unless the pricing agreements are up to par with the expectations that the factory has set forth.

    Lead Time – Being able to order more on a short notice is very critical for stock level sensitive companies. Those with shorter required lead times will be favored as they can accommodate demands quickly.

    Supply Flexibility – This is important when considering the changes that occur with demand. A factory might change orders based on changes in demand that occur after an order has already begun to be placed. The ability to make adjustments with limited interference is crucial.

  • Some factors that factories can use to evaluate supplier performance include:
    – Replenish lead time – how long will it take to receive the next order
    – Pricing Terms – terms on how much is due and when and how much credit is being
    offered and what are the terms
    – On-Time Performance – are things getting to the factory on time?

  • Supply Quality – do the materials meet the standards agreed upon?

    Inbound Transportation Cost – maximizing cost savings in inbound shipping activities from the supplier such as order optimization (consolidating shipments and optimizing loads in a single truckload)

    Supplier Viability – accessing supplier’s financial strength to understand company’s longevity and risks

  • Supplier performance can be assessed by:
    On-time performance – do the supplies get delivered and reach the factory just in time or a little bit before production
    Supply quality – are the supplies of a high quality that will help differentiate your product
    Inbound transportation cost – how much it will cost your company to have the supplies delivered to your factory, want this to be minimized

  • I think the most important factors to assess supplier performance are:
    1) cost of goods and shipping
    2) replenishment lead time
    3) percentage of on-time deliveries
    4) percentage of stock outs
    5) quality of goods

  • Factors can be used to access supplier performance:
    Replenishment lead time-The total period of time take to deliver goods from the time order until the order is received.
    On-Time Performance- products are delivered on schedule
    Supply Quality-products meet the quality standard

  • These factors assess supplier performance:

    1.)Inbound Transportation Cost- It should reduce costs, improve service, minimize delays, reduce confusion and raise performance.

    2.) Replenish Lead TIme – The time it takes for an order to be fulfilled.

    3.) On-Time Perfomance – The level of success of the service to meet the schedule.