Supply Chains – at Internet Speed

Q&A: Final thoughts (100 section reflection on the course)

Any final thoughts/comments/feedback for the course!

19 Responses to Q&A: Final thoughts (100 section reflection on the course)

  • I think that the cases were interesting, however, there was nothing that made coming to class interesting. The class periods just seemed to go on forever and there was nothing exciting about the lectures. Other than that I have learned a lot about supply chains and supply chain management

  • Overall, this class stayed true to the learning objectives first laid out in the syllabus. This course provided me with valuable insight into supply chain dynamics both online and offline. In fact, the course allowed me to compare and contrast the two types of supply chains and to understand the subsections of each. The cases were interesting to read. I liked that there was only one exam and the majority of the points accumulated over the semester was from case write-ups and other assignments. I do not care for classes that put so much weight on the exams.
    I especially liked the fact that the exams were open note exams. I think that this style of exam taking is helpful since there were numerous cases and by extension overarching topics that may be covered in the exam. It would be extremely difficult to remember all of the details. In addition, the open-note style exam enticed me to take detailed notes in class and to pay attention to the lecture.

  • I though that the class followed the syllabus well and was very structured. I also liked how the cases corresponded with the recent lecture material. It was well taught and I would recommend it to anyone interested in supply chains.

  • This was overall a great class! The case were interesting and relevant to the material being discussed in the lecture and because most of the concepts are still relatively new, it made for a more modern, present-day based discussion. The simulations were a great way to better grasp the concepts of the bullwhip effect and identify the types of costs that were realized with supply-chain based decision making. I would however change the style of the lectures. While it is understandable that the material could be a little dry, I would try and find a different approach to presenting material other than overhead note taking.

  • Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the various topics we discussed over the course of the semester. In my opinion, reading/analyzing different case studies on a weekly basis greatly contributed to my success in the course. It was very interesting how the case studies directly correlated to what we were covering each week. I would recommend this class to anyone interest in learning about supply chain management.

  • I thought this was a very well constructed class. I liked everything from the way the class was designed to the online participation, to the case studies. I was impressed by the quality and interesting case studies that were chosen, they all appeared extremely relevant and fun to do. Another aspect of the course that I thought was exceptional was the simulations. At first glance they seemed basic, but they in actuality were very informative and helped me further understand the role of different suppliers within the supply chain.

  • I really enjoyed my experience in this course. The cases supplemented the learnings well along with the beer game and the phone design game. The simulations were the best experience in the class and were enjoyable to complete. It was additionally interesting to see how issues in supply chain management affects real world companies. The last component that I thought was most interesting was the green supply chain movement and how ethics of a manufacturer has an effect on other segments in a supply chain.

  • I learned a lot about about supply chain management and how crucial it is in business. Having a good relationship with your supplier and setting up an efficient chain can significantly influence your company. My favorite topic was the Bullwhip effect, it was interesting how lead times and proper forecating affect deliveries. Doing the Bullwhip simulation did a great job of demonstrating that.

  • Overall, this class was a major learning experience for myself. Before the class, I thought I knew a lot about supply chains. This couldn’t have been further from the truth. As it turns out, supply chains are complex and constantly changing. With that said, this class taught me about the foundation of supply chains. I’m very happy with the knowledge that i’ve learned throughout the semester. I believe that the information was very relevant to my future success as a business student.

  • I learned a lot about supply chains and how to manage them efficiently. I also learned some real world examples of supply chain management having to read the cases each week. I liked how the class was very organized because it kept everything nice and easy. The beer game was probably my favorite part of class.

  • Overall, I thought this class stayed true to its objectives and taught me more about the in’s and outs of how a supply chain works. If I were to have one suggestion to maybe help with next years class, it would be to add more simulations, such as the beer game or the GSCM simulation. I felt that those two added an experience to add to the knowledge from the cases to create a unique experience.

  • I learned a lot about supply chain management and I think the cases help show the concepts we learned are real world applicable.

  • I thought this class was taught very well. Everything remained on schedule and there was never a question as to what was due or how we were supposed to do something. The class was clear about its objectives and they were met. I enjoyed that we always talked about stuff in the news or case studies.

  • I thought the course schedule was structured in a way that it was able to cover all the learning objectives expressed by the professor. The powerpoints were well done and consistent with the lectures. The one thing I would change would be to maybe use less Harvard case assignments and instead encourage the groups to find their own current news articles and relate them to the week’s material.

  • I really enjoyed how this course focused on the real world applications of supply chain management through discussions. The cases really helped me understand how the concepts are applicable to real life situations. The companies that were topics of the cases were also much more interesting than the cases I’ve had for other courses which made it much easier to read through and understand the material.

  • The course was really helpful in conveying the importance of supply chain management. The cases and simulations were beneficial in helping to relate these practices into the real world. They also relayed the problems that real companies are facing and the solutions that were implemented. overall, the course increased my ability to assess and evaluate business’ supply chain problems.

  • This course was super fun!

  • I enjoyed this course overall. I learned a great deal of supply chain management and can utilize this information when building up the e-commerce site and sending out products. The cases talked the heart of supply chain management which I enjoyed greatly. I would recommend this class to anyone.

  • This class was great overall and I learned a great deal about how to increase the speed of supply chains using technology. The cases provided real world examples of how supply chain is important and how technology is being used in supply chains to better the business world.