Supply Chains – at Internet Speed



Hey all,
I am requesting that you take a few minutes and provide your evaluation. Your feedback is important, and of course confidential. Last time I checked, only 31% of students had completed it! Hope we can improve that. The last date for completing eSFF is May 7.  The process is very simple; just click on from any device, including your smartphone.

Good luck with your exams,

Test on May 8

The test will be held on Thursday May 8th from 1:00 – 3:00pm. This is an open book, open notes test. In case you want to do the green thing and avoid taking printouts, you are welcome to bring your laptop instead. However, access to internet will not be permitted during the test.

Instructions for Beer Game

To prepare for the Beer Game, you should:

1. visit the URL ( and complete the registration (each group member needs to register separately). Note that this link is different from the one you download case studies.

2. watch the video after completing the registration.

3. Form groups of exactly 4 (no more, no less – the software only permits groups of size 4) and write the names of your group members as a comment on this post (only one person per group need to write).

4. The Beer Game will be held during class hours on Tuesday, Feb 25th

5. Students without a group can run the simulation as individual players.

Important: The game requires participation from all four members of a group – therefore, if one of your group members is not logged in or absent from class on Tuesday Feb 25th, your group wont be able to play the game. Please coordinate with your group members and make sure they are present in class.

A bonus of 0.25 pts will be provided for completing the steps 1,2 and 3 by Monday Feb 24th, 5:00pm

Instructions to the group posting case answers on the blog

Every week, one group will post correct answers to the case questions on the blog. Here are the instructions to that group:

1. Please post your answers as a comment to the post which contains the case questions.

2. The answer should be posted after we discuss the case in class (preferably before the end of the day).

3. Please make sure that you post correct answers based on the inclass discussion. Points will be deducted if you post incorrect answers to the case questions on the blog.

4. Feel free to discuss any answer with me if you are not sure of the correct answer to any question.

Instructions for case presentation

Here are some instructions for the group making case presentations:

1. Submit a printout of your presentation slides at the beginning of the class.
2. Briefly (3-5 slides) discuss the company and the main points of this case.
3. Present a slide or two on how the company is doing now (through some research on Google) – what their latest profit is or how they seem to be doing overall. If you can include some latest news about their supply chain, that’ll be great.
4. Prepare a diagram of the complete supply chain (as given in the case). On the diagram, highlight the insourced and outsourced components.
5. Prepare 1-2 slides on each of the case questions from the blog.

Points will also be awarded for presentation style. Here are some tips that you may want to note:
1. Remember that the slides are not the presentation. Avoid reading verbatim from the slides.
2. Make sufficient eye contact with the class. It is not a good idea to read prepared notes directly.
3. Make the slides sufficiently interesting. For example, you can include pictures or videos related to the company.
4. Formal attire is not required for this presentation.

Online community participation tips

Here are some tips to follow while posting on the course blog:

1. Read others’ comments before posting and avoid unnecessary repetitions.

2. Write precise to-the-point answers.

3. Avoid copy and pasting or quoting verbatim from the internet. Try to paraphrase in your own words.

4. Comments will be disabled for posts older than two weeks.

5. You’ll need to login using your accessnet id and password to leave a comment.