Supply Chains – at Internet Speed


Foxconn case

MIS 3537
Internet and Supply Chains
Spring 2014
Due Date: April 29, 2014


Refer to the case “Foxconn Technology Group (A)” from the course packet. Answer the following questions briefly (6-7 lines each):
1. Look up the internet for three examples where companies have received negative publicity for ethics or environmental violation. List and briefly explain each example, and also mention what steps the company took to remedy the situation? (avoid the examples that we discussed in class)

2. What are the profit margins of an contract manufacturer such as Foxconn? What does this mean for these companies?

3. What is the general profile of workers at Foxconn? Summarize their working conditions in a few lines.

4. In developing countries where a majority of people have low standards of living, working in abusive conditions as mentioned in the article might actually be a better alternative than unemployment or working as farm laborers. Under such circumstances, does it make sense – morally or practically – for developed countries to dictate standards to such countries over labor conditions?

5. What role should Apple play in the Foxcon debate? Give some recommendations to Apple on how to handle the bad press at Foxconn.

Global Supply Chain Management Assignment

Global Supply Chain Management Simulation

Spring 2014

We will be running the Global Supply Chain Management (GSCM) simulation in class on April 17th (Thursday). In addition, the TA will conduct a help session on the assignment on April 22nd (Tuesday), and attendance is not mandatory on that day. I’ll be holding additional office hours on Thursday April 24th from 1-2 pm to help with the simulation.

In preparation for this, you will need to organize into groups of two, and one individual from each pair will need to register for the simulation (note, only 1 account is needed per team). The registration can be completed at

A bonus of 0.25 will be provided for completing the registration by Thursday, April 17th (noon) and posting the username and e-mail address you used to register as a comment here. Also mention the names of your group members. In addition, please read through the attached instructions before we begin the simulation.  This will give you an overview of the game and how it will work. Attached as well is a record sheet you will need to print out and use during the course of the simulation to record your decisions and actions.


The deliverables for this assignment are:

1. Student Record Sheet – please complete this as you work on the simulation. Enter detailed explanations for each decision in the space provided. Submit the completed record sheets for all 4 years.

2. Tables to fill only for year 4. Comment on which costs (as fraction of revenue) are high, and how you can improve.

3. The due date for submission of all deliverables is May 1, 2014.

RosettaNet Case

MIS 3537

Internet and Supply Chains

Spring 2014

Due Date: April 15, 2014

Refer to the case “RosettaNet and ebXML: Betting on the Right eBusiness Standard”

Answer the following questions briefly (6-7 lines each):

1. Why are standards necessary in eBusiness?

2. Which standard do you think Developcom should adopt? Explain your answer giving reasons from the case as well as the Exhibits at the end.

3. What do you understand by the term ‘network externalities’? Also explain the phenomenon of ‘winner takes all’ in markets with network externalities.

4. Why are network externalities important in eBusiness standard wars? Give examples from the RosettaNet case. Europe Case

MIS 3537

Internet & Supply Chains

Spring 2014

Due Date: April 10, 2014

Refer to the case “’s European Distribution Strategy”

Answer the following questions briefly (6-7 lines each):

1. Explain how’s distribution strategy evolved in the early years (1995-1998)?

2. After the dot com crash, took steps to improve its operational excellence with a view to reduce costs and hence improve profitability. Descibe the main steps that Amazon took at this stage.

3. Describe the key challenges that Amazon Europe faced with respect to globalization and localization.

4. What were the main decisions that Tom Taylor faced while accessing the EDN opportunity?

5. Should Amazon implement the EDN in Europe? What recommendation would you give Tom Taylor?

All groups (expect the group making the presentation) are required to submit a printout of their answers to the instructor at the beginning of the class. Also, be prepared to discuss the case in the class.

XBox Case

MIS 3537

Internet and Supply Chains

Spring 2014

Due Date: April 1, 2014

Refer to the case “Evolution of the XBox Supply Chain”.

Answer the following questions briefly (6-7 lines each):

  1. Why do companies outsource production? List three ways in which technology can help in this outsourcing?
  2. List five metrics which companies can use to evaluate the performance of suppliers (contract manufacturers)?
  3. What supply chain changes did Microsoft make between XBox and XBox 360? What was the motivation for these changes?
  4. Microsoft planned to use three EMS firms for XBox 360, all manufacturing in China. What are the benefits and pitfalls of this approach?

All groups (expect the group making the presentation) are required to submit a printout of their answers to the instructor at the beginning of the class. Also, be prepared to discuss the case in the class.

Hulu Case

MIS 3537

Internet and Supply Chains

Spring 2014

Due Date: March 25, 2014

Refer to the case “Hulu: An Evil Plot to Destroy the World” from the HBSP website.

Answer the following questions briefly (4-5 lines each):

1. Draw the supply chain for Hulu and highlight content acquisition and distribution. How do companies such as Hulu and Netflix use supply chain to compete strategically?

2. Research on the internet and list some examples of how companies such as Netflix and Hulu are controlling the supply chain of digital content acquisition and distribution.

3. How does TV Everywhere pose a threat to Hulu? Describe, in your words, how Hulu should respond?

4. The different broadcasters –CBS, NBC, ABC, Fox – have all chosen a different strategy to the internet. Which strategy is preferred?

5. Comment on how the digital channels put pressure on existing business models for firms in the creative industry (such as TV).

All groups (expect the group making the presentation) are required to submit a printout of their answers to the instructor at the beginning of the class. Also, be prepared to discuss the case in the class.

Root Beer Game Deliverables : Due date March 13, 2014

MIS 3537

Internet & Supply Chains

Due Date: March 13, 2014

We will complete the Root Beer Game as per the following schedule:

1. Practice session in class – Feb 25, 2014

2. Completion of round 1 – before March 2, 2014

3. Completion of round 2 and submission of deliverables – by March 13, 2014

Group members are not supposed to coordinate with each other during the practice session and round 1. They can coordinate for round 2. Moreover, in round 2, the point of sale information will be made visible to everyone (not just the retailer). Note that the demand pattern may change between the different rounds. The intent of playing multiple rounds is to demonstrate how manipulating certain aspects of the game can influence the performance of the supply chain.

Here are the deliverables of the beer game (one submission per group):

1. Complete the performance spreadsheet of your group (click here)

2. Prepare a short writeup on how you played the beer game, what strategies you employed, and how your strategies changed when you played the beer game for the second time compared to the first time (you can use the questions below to prepare the talking points).

a. What was your strategy in the game with respect to order placing and holding inventory?

b. How was the communication and cooperation between various players in the group?

c. When you played the game for the second time, how did your strategy change in terms of – ordering and inventory strategy? cooperation with team members?

d. What lessons from the beer game would you give to supply chain managers?

Due Date: March 13, 2014

Instructions for Beer Game

To prepare for the Beer Game, you should:

1. visit the URL ( and complete the registration (each group member needs to register separately). Note that this link is different from the one you download case studies.

2. watch the video after completing the registration.

3. Form groups of exactly 4 (no more, no less – the software only permits groups of size 4) and write the names of your group members as a comment on this post (only one person per group need to write).

4. The Beer Game will be held during class hours on Tuesday, Feb 25th

5. Students without a group can run the simulation as individual players.

Important: The game requires participation from all four members of a group – therefore, if one of your group members is not logged in or absent from class on Tuesday Feb 25th, your group wont be able to play the game. Please coordinate with your group members and make sure they are present in class.

A bonus of 0.25 pts will be provided for completing the steps 1,2 and 3 by Monday Feb 24th, 5:00pm

WWW ClearOrbit Case

MIS 3537

Internet & Supply Chains

Spring 2014

Due Date: February 13, 2014

Refer to the case “World Wide Technology and Clearorbit: Enabling Supply Chain Collaboration” on the HBSP website.

Answer the following questions briefly:

1. What were the main challenges facing the OEM’s MRO purchasing operations?

2. Why did WWT choose ClearOrbit’s POC software?

3. What benefits did the OEM and WWT realize?

4. What steps did OEM/WWT take to convince suppliers to use the new system?

5. What other supply chain collaboration initiatives can OEM/WWT pursue?