Supply Chains – at Internet Speed


Go to – click here

Login using your Accessnet username and password

If the gradebook does not show any grades

  • Confirm with your professor that a grade has been entered for you;
  • Make sure the email entered by the professor is same as your community site email;

How to verify your email

  • The email used to enter your grade is your email id beginning with ‘tu…’ Most likely it is something like this ””;
  • Check your email registered on the community site. You can do so as follows: log in to the community site. Click My Account –> Settings–> General. Check for account email on the page.
  • Chances are this email is not your “tu… id;
  • If the emails are different change your email on the site, to the one used by the professor, because all professors will be using the same email address.

Class Gradebook