Internet and Supply Chains – MIS3537 Spring 2014

Supply Chains – at Internet Speed


Q&A: Ethics and Green Supply Chains

Multiple Choice Answers (Choose one correct answer. No credit will be given for multiple answer or answers which are not clear)

Following are the elements of Green Supply Chain

a. Green Sourcing
b. Green Production
c. Green Distribution
d. Green Reverse Logistics

e. All of the above

Global Supply Chain Management Assignment

Global Supply Chain Management Simulation

Spring 2014

We will be running the Global Supply Chain Management (GSCM) simulation in class on April 17th (Thursday). In addition, the TA will conduct a help session on the assignment on April 22nd (Tuesday), and attendance is not mandatory on that day. I’ll be holding additional office hours on Thursday April 24th from 1-2 pm to help with the simulation.

In preparation for this, you will need to organize into groups of two, and one individual from each pair will need to register for the simulation (note, only 1 account is needed per team). The registration can be completed at

A bonus of 0.25 will be provided for completing the registration by Thursday, April 17th (noon) and posting the username and e-mail address you used to register as a comment here. Also mention the names of your group members. In addition, please read through the attached instructions before we begin the simulation.  This will give you an overview of the game and how it will work. Attached as well is a record sheet you will need to print out and use during the course of the simulation to record your decisions and actions.


The deliverables for this assignment are:

1. Student Record Sheet – please complete this as you work on the simulation. Enter detailed explanations for each decision in the space provided. Submit the completed record sheets for all 4 years.

2. Tables to fill only for year 4. Comment on which costs (as fraction of revenue) are high, and how you can improve.

3. The due date for submission of all deliverables is May 1, 2014.

RosettaNet Case

MIS 3537

Internet and Supply Chains

Spring 2014

Due Date: April 15, 2014

Refer to the case “RosettaNet and ebXML: Betting on the Right eBusiness Standard”

Answer the following questions briefly (6-7 lines each):

1. Why are standards necessary in eBusiness?

2. Which standard do you think Developcom should adopt? Explain your answer giving reasons from the case as well as the Exhibits at the end.

3. What do you understand by the term ‘network externalities’? Also explain the phenomenon of ‘winner takes all’ in markets with network externalities.

4. Why are network externalities important in eBusiness standard wars? Give examples from the RosettaNet case.