Internet and Supply Chains – MIS3537 Spring 2014

Supply Chains – at Internet Speed


Q&A: Amazon Europe case

You have been asked to make a presentation to students in your academic major on how distribution issues are relevant to your major.  Using examples from Amazon Europe case, summarize the lessons you learnt that are relevant to your major?
(for example, if you are a marketing major, you can comment on how Amazon used a better forecasting technique to account for the regional and seasonal nature of their demand).

Q&A: Will you deliver for Walmart??

Interesting article on how WalMart plans to crowdsource the “last mile problem” by having customers deliver online orders to others (click here). Think about the following points:

1. Will you buy products online if these are delivered at your house by a stranger instead of FedEx?
2. Will you consider signing up as a delivery agent for WalMart?