Hello and welcome to MIS 3580, Special Topics, Intro to Programming and Data Analytics with Python. We do not have a traditional syllabus for this course. All of the information that you would expect to find in a traditional syllabus can be found on this course site. Please review the entire course site carefully.
During the first nine weeks of this course we will learn the basics of programming with Python. The course does not assume that you have any prior experience with programming so we will start with the very basics like variables and we will work our way through conditional logic, function, loops as well as a few other data-related topics that will position us for the Data Analytics portion of the course. During the last five weeks of the course we will learn to work with Pandas, the leading Data Analytics library for Python.
Please see the class schedule, complete the assigned readings, and complete the first quiz before the second day of class. Students will be called upon at random to share their thoughts on these materials so please complete the assigned readings, the first quiz and come to class ready to go to work.